Jul 17, 2012 22:10
Zoe is missing. I am not posting this on Facebook because the girl who lost her is a friend on FB and I don't want her to feel bad. Zoe and the cat I recently rescued, Squeaky, were staying with my friend while I was out of the country. 3 days after I left, Squeaky (I assume) broke through a screen because she realized she was in her old neighborhood where she lived before I caught her, and Zoe followed her out. Squeaky was easy to catch because she just went back to hanging out behind the building, where she used to live. Zoe, who presumably got scared and confused when she realized she didn't know where she was and couldn't get back into the apartment, has not been seen or heard of since. My friend and her family searched and called for her and put up posters, to no avail. They emailed me several days later but sent it to the wrong address, so I never got it. They emailed me again a week later, 2 days before I was due to return home. I immediately caught the first flight back, but Zoe had been gone 2 weeks by then. In the 2 days I've been back, I've called the shelters (she has a microchip, so they would call me anyway), put up 100 fliers in the one mile between my apartment and my friend's where she was lost, targeted nearby pet stores and vets, and just put out 84 postcard size fliers on the cars parked on the street where she went missing. I've walked the area 6 times--45 minutes to an hour and a half for each circuit, I'm naming it the Zoe Search Workout Plan--calling for her in case she is hiding and can hear me. I've even put out dirty socks and gym shirts on my friend's porch and outside my door so that she can follow my smell. I don't know what else to do but keep putting up more fliers and keep walking and waiting for someone to call or for her to just show up one day. I'm hopeful she at least hasn't been hit by a car because they scan the dead animals for microchips...but there's always coyotes. :(
I'm trying to not take it out on Squeaky, but I'm afraid I hold it against her. Zoe and I were happy before I brought her home, and everything seems to have gone wrong since. Zoe wouldn't cuddle with me for over a month, since she arrived, and if I hadn't had the 2 cats and been trying to get them to get along, I probably would have left Zoe at home alone with a pet-sitter checking on her. But I couldn't leave them alone together, so I needed someone to take them both and supervise them. Zoe certainly would not have broken through a screen on her own, she's much more a hide in the closet type. But Squeaky adores me and constantly wants to cuddle and purr and be all over me...and I just wish I had Zoe. She is such a sweetheart, but if Zoe doesn't come home, I don't know what I'll do. And if Zoe does come home and still hates Squeaky, I'm afraid I will need to find Squeaky another home. Either way, I want my Zoe back.