<>< profile/plotting ><>

Jun 11, 2010 22:56

Name: Lee Donghae 이동해
Band/Group: Super Junior 슈퍼주니어
AIM: hae phone home
Age: 23
Appearance: one
District: Gwangjin-gu
Relationship Status: Very single.
Sexuality: Gender makes no difference to Donghae.
Occupation: Student at Konkuk University; part-time cashier at E-Mart.

Background: On a sunny October morning in 1986, Lee Donghae was born in a town in the south of Korea called Mokpo. He spent most of his childhood in the small town, growing up by the harbour. Donghae lived a happy childhood-his father a small businessman and his mother a nurse, so his needs were always satisfied, and his wants usually met. As a child, he had a passion for sports, all kinds. Soccer, basketball, baseball, football, rugby-you name it, he probably played it. Yet there was another road that Donghae had discovered thanks to his father. Mr Lee was a man who loved his fine arts, and seeing as how Donghae and his father were extremely close, this rubbed off onto him and soon he developed a passion like his one for sports, only for music and dance. Donghae had no real professional musical background, aside from performing in his school talent shows or musicals, but since his father’s wish was for Donghae to do what he couldn’t do himself, and become a real singer.

Unfortunately, tragedy hit the family. A few years after migrating to Seoul for work, Donghae’s father fell ill. After battling with his cancer for three years, Donghae’s father passed away one week before his son’s eighteenth birthday. The normally bright and happy boy that existed became a bit of a shell, quiet and retreated. With the help of his mother and older brother this passed quickly, thankfully, and Donghae became intent on finishing his father’s dream of a musical career for his son, only in a different way. A load of essays, applications and scholarships later, Donghae was accepted into Konkuk University, majoring in Musical Education. His older brother is currently overseas, and his mother a nurse at Seoul General Hospital. Donghae works part time at the E-Mart, because he’s gotta get his music somehow.

Other: Donghae, to put it in a few words, is like a mischievous child in a twenty-three-year old’s body. A generally bubbly and happy person, he is extremely trusting and honest, both of which end up landing him in a bit (or a lot) of trouble. At first glance, people normally think Donghae is a cold type of guy, passive and stony. But people who know him can definitely, fully disagree with that statement. He’s nearly completely opposite, with his kind actions and mannerisms.

Around new people Donghae is slightly timid and even shy, but warms up to people very quickly. He wears his heart on his sleeve, gaining crushes that change like the weather. Donghae tends to be a very straightforward person and isn’t afraid of speaking his mind-this too often lands him in troubling situations when people often misunderstand him. Albeit a little wierd, the twenty three year old has an odd fascination with aliens, extraterrestrials, and the ocean.

The part of him that is still young craves attention. He hates to be lonely, usually needing someone around him to keep company, though he tries not to be clingy or needy. His insecurity is something well-hidden on Donghae’s part. Though there have been explicitly difficult times in his life, he is someone who learns from his mistakes and tries to desperately keep his outlook on life like one that of an optimist.

Donghae needs:
♬ One best friend (male or female, doesn't matter) - preferably someone quieter and calmer to balance out his hyper. It'd be great to have one person to look after him a bit, since he can get into a lot of trouble without knowing, and he, as it says in his profile, gets clingy. Reliable friend is needed.
♬ Friends
♬ Classmates from Konkuk
♬ Neighbors (he lives in Gwangjin-gu, in a nice home with his mother)
♬ Coworkers/Regular customers
♬ Potential exes
♬ Dance partners
♬ People to duet with

Comment here on this journal, or hit me up at hae phone home to plot, please! ^__^


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