[Transformers] Ghost Unit | Space Chatter

May 06, 2010 11:03

Series: The Ghost Unit
Title: Space Chatter (#40.5)
Setting: IDW Transformers, inspired by the "What's Wrong with a Little Destruction" 'verse by ajremix.
Note: Many thanks to rexlapinii and ajremix for beta-ing!
Summary: An experiment in dialogue only. Sometimes, you just catch up between one mission and the next. Two XOs update each other on their units' shenanigans during a fly-by.

Space Chatter

Ongoing long range text communication.

:Wait. You did what? O.o:

#It wasn't me! It was a certain sniper's idea!#

:You torpedoed a mech into a Decepticon base? Really?:

#It was a while ago. Worked perfectly, too. And it was fun to watch!#

:Don't sound so smug. Primus, I can't tell my lot about it. They'll want to try it. Pit, they'll want to find a way to top it.:

#Oh please. I read your mission reports. They've done worse. Come to think of it, so have you!#

:Hey now! It was always justified by the mission parameters I'll have you know.:

#Uh huh. That's your story and you're sticking to it, mmm?#


#Even the time you ended up surfing a shuttle on a slipstream wave explosion? Necessary too? No other way out? Like oh, being inside the shuttle, oh paragon of virtue?#

:...that too. Totally necessary.:

#And it has nothing to do with accounting busting your aft over your unit budget if they ever found out about it not being absolutely totally necessary. On account of the shuttle getting slagged in the process. Of course.#

: >.< I don't like you. ...hey! Stop laughing! I know you are, stop that!:

#...you were pouting! I can practically see it in text too!#

:I liked you better when we first met. You were all stiff and new and so terrified of breaking a rule that you'd-:

#Don't you try to change the subject! You! Were! Pouting!#

:I was most certainly not! I don't care about accounting! ...Sandstorm, on the other hand, is a scary mech when his finances are messed with.:

#...you may have a point there. Wild gets that way too.#

:Heh. That sounds recent. Did he have a run in with accounting?:

#Not exactly. He was sorting out something about supplies and some of the deliveries weren't sent and well... um, he frowned.#


#Shut up. It was scary! It took me two shifts to talk a certain gun-happy mech out of the firing range!#


#You are a horrible, mean mech to laugh at my misfortune so, you know that?#

:Hey, at least your lot don't try to blow up whatever base they're stationed with on a regular basis.:

#Try? Like I said, I've seen the reports. Yours don't even try. They're just... there and things start going boom! :D#

:Oh sure, laugh it up. See if I ever sympathize with you ever again over the stunts your unit pulls:

#That's all right. At least I can console myself with the fact that my commanding officer behaves much more than yours.#

:Oh. Oh, now that is a low blow!:

- Warning. Communication range will be exceeded in ten kliks. -

#But a good one! Catch you on the next fly-by.#

:Yeah, and I'll get you for that! Next fly-by!#

Long range text communication ended.

transformers :: idw, transformers, series :: the ghost unit

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