Title: How to sneak into Spock's quarters and NOT get kicked out
Setting: Star Trek 2009
Note: Written for
incandescently not too long ago.
Summary: In which Spock finds himself sharing quarters with more roommates than anticipated.
It was, Kirk decided, the coolest thing ever. )
Comments 4
He would, at that! :)
Admittedly, reading that title, my K/S fangirl mind automatically jumped to the conclusion that it must be about a crazy scheme of Kirk's, be it for a crazy but utterly gen prank, or be it as a crazy seduction method. Because honestly, I wouldn't put something along those lines past the AOS Kirk, at all.
But cats? Le-matyas? (I assume you only misspelled it and mean le-matyas, and not another animal?)
That's an entirely unexpected, but unsurprisingly cute and fun option too. Seems like the fandom agrees that Spock is a cat person, while Kirk is a dog person. And this particular cat? Makes me grin with her actions. Wonder how long it'll take till she's as scary as her owner.
So yep, loved this story. :)
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