Update on life (actually written 02.15.06):

Feb 21, 2006 16:35

Hi, everyone. I realize that I haven’t made a significant (or even quasi-significant, since I am notorious for that) post in a while and since it is a slow day at work and I can only dally on the interweb for so long, I figure that now is as good a time as any.

To make this entry more apropos, I guess I should start off by wishing you all a wonderful [past] Valentine’s Day. Happy anniversary of Saint Valentine’s decapitation, everyone (Jon taught me that, but I can’t validate it). On that note, I got to wear my new dress and then we went to Sawtelle Kitchen. I ate delicious Japanese curry, then came home and pooped delicious Japanese curry. Sometimes, I think satisfying my palette is useless (or fleeting, at the least).

Jon & I also now have matching shirts. But we’re not allowed to wear them on the same day because we don’t want to look retarded. Or cute.

Now, in case you were mildly curious about how I’ve been spending my quarter, here is a potentially lengthy, relatively calm update on my life:

I’m taking nineteen units this quarter so that I can finally get off of the Honors Program’s academic hold (which, by the way, is entirely a fault of theirs, not mine). I also think this is, so far, the best quarter of classes I’ve had here and I’m actually enjoying attending class (most of the time). We’re more than halfway into the quarter I have yet to read a single play for 142B (the latter half of the Shakespeare series) but nominally reading the plays in high school and seeing a few shitty renditions have rendered me knowledgeable enough to still be pulling an A. I don’t know if that’s a reflection of my superior bullshitting skills or a deficiency on the part of the English department but it seems to be suiting me well. Regardless, my professor for the class is someone I’d categorize as an adept psychopath. He’s more than well-literate, can make countless pop culture references, and embodies the Brooks Brothers’ catalogue; but his well-measured manner of speaking, his jittery pacing, and the fluidity of his enormous vocabulary make me incredibly nervous. One minute, he’ll be calmly lecturing on the Holinshed Chronicles and the next, he’s going to leap off the podium and eat the front row’s eyeballs out with a spork (I presume). I think I want to be him.

My TA for the class is also adorable and I’d attribute 99% of that to the fact that she’s stereotypically British. She starts off every e-mail with “Hey Lads!” and mutters “Oh, bloody bollocks…” under her breath when she forgets something. We also share occasional exchanges about Art Brut concerts and have the same Strand Books tote bag, which earns anybody about 400+ extra credit points in my book, not to mention that she brought us Brownie-bites during fifth week to congratulate us on the half-quarter.

Moving on, I thought English 143 was kicking me so hard in the ass that I could see Milton’s late espoused wife’s foot coming out of my mouth but it turns out that I’m actually doing pretty well (sorry, weird Milton reference). I was incredibly upset following my midterm (which I was 20 minutes late to) but I got it back yesterday, only to find that the one essay I thought I did the worst on was the best essay my professor had read on Milton’s Sonnet IX thus far. That put me in a good mood for the rest of the day. Also, I got chosen to play the part of Beelzebub in the Debate of the Demons, which should be interesting. Or horrendous, I’m not sure yet. A final note on Eng 143: my professor looks uncannily like Jamie Lee Curtis and whenever I am in lecture, I can’t stop imagining her trying to sell me Milton Bradley board games in a red ball gown.

Korean class is, well, Korean class. We sit around and make self-embracing culture jokes, play games, and watch movies. It’s sort of like being in my middle school again. Last week, we watched Welcome to Dongmakgol (2005): a really great, unexpected film about the Korean War. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who has a Netflix account.

Finally, I’m taking the wimpiest science class that I could find to fulfill my GE science credit: Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 3. Don’t let its impressive name belie what it is actually is: a “weather” class. All of our quizzes are open-note, open-laptop, open-book, and open-neighbor. It’s a pathetic joke of a class, our professor is the most anal retentive man I have ever encountered, and lecture is at 9 in the morning! but after this quarter, I’ll be done with all four of my sciences so I’m not complaining (that much).

Considering that I do very little work for my classes besides actually showing up, I’d think I wouldn’t be so exhausted everyday but I work everyday except for Thursday in order to train the new girl at work. I come home at 7:30, eat dinner, and pass out - only to wake up cursing all the school work I still have to do. It’s a viscous cycle but I only have to put up with it for about 4 more weeks: I am officially quitting this job for next quarter. I can’t wait to have some free[r] time.

I’m also writing for the Daily Bruin (dB Magazine)’s music section. I don’t contribute very often but the last thing I wrote was the Beth Orton soundbite in last week’s issue. I just want to clarify that my story was due on Sunday afternoon, so the fact that Pitchfork’s review makes the same references to Fiona Apple and Norah Jones is a mere coincidence. Or they just stole my review, whichever sounds more probable to you.

Oh! I’m also part of the Hammer Museum’s student advisory committee now (with X & Blessing) and we’re putting on: OFF THE PAGE!, a late-night student event next Friday, February 25th that is going to be free for all UCLA students. If you haven’t seen the “Masters of American Comics” exhibit yet, it’s really fantastic, and now is your chance! Plus, there will be free Pink’s hotdogs, prizes, movie screenings, a live band - “The Movies” are performing, and Jon & Gian are going to be DJing the event. So that’s Friday, Feb. 24 from 7-11 PM. Bring your bruin card, listen to some good music, look at some good art, eat some free food, get some free shit, meet some people, and go home happy. If you’d like further information, let me know and we’ll be tabling from now until Friday on Bruin Walk.

Aaaaaand, I think that’s about it. I apologize for what I consider a terribly written update. I’ll try a little harder when I’m not paranoid about getting caught at work.
Or maybe I won’t.
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