Jun 05, 2008 23:11
So we finally saw Old Country for No Men ... er...No Country for Old Men....in any case -- blah. The first half of it was good, but then it just sort of petered out. I think Tim said it correctly when he said it was like hearing old people tell a story. My thought on it was that it had no music in it.
Which brings up that other big movie that was supposed to be good - There Will Be Blood. I HATED the music in that movie. They used classic "tense" music for stuff that wasn't tense or exciting. I got sick of watching that movie and started sorting washclothes by colors and textures by the end because it was more stimulating.
Overall, the two big Oscar movies left me feeling like I wasted my time, except I did get some good cross stitch done while watching them.
What I DO like, however -- is Dexter. I have only seen the first disc which is four episodes and it's so much better than the hours I wasted on Carnivale season one. I think we are going to blow through that series up until it's latest DVD release.
Also, I have a birthday thing to go tomorrow and I am going to miss Battlestar -- to say I am broken up about this is an understatement. It's too late to get TIVO and our VCR is shit and won't take anything beyond three minutes. How am I going to get around this?
Last but not least, am I the only that thinks that Dean Stockwell and Tommy Lee Jones could be identical twins?