Single Again

Jun 11, 2009 11:12

Dear Internet,

I still have a lot to learn.

Today, I shall be learning "Driving".  And over the next few weeks, I plan to learn "Real Life".

I shall put off learning "Successful Relationship" for a wee while, instead focusing on learning "Find House" and "Get Job" and "Tidy Room".

At some point in the interim, I shall indulge in a small project of learning "Make Hero Pants".  At some point during this process, I am considering learning "Make Codpiece".

If my bones could also learn "Hold Harriet Up Proper", that would be lovely.  But I suppose this won't be helped by my quest to learn "Belly Dance".  Had to sit out some of the class yesterday.  Stupid bones/muscles/tendons.  Is it advisable to mention belly dancing in the hobbies section of my CV?  A lot of people think it's a bit silly.  I could just say "Dance Classes" ?

Wheat Free Cookies are a lie.  But Wheat Free Fruit Cake Slices and Wheat Free Belgian Breaks (basically kitkats, but without the wheat or Nestle-association) are delicious.  Still not the same as eating a donut, though.  But as long as coffee doesn't have wheat in it, I'll find a way to cope.

Have been seeing new back doctor, who pummels my back into submission.  My back is currently in submission.  Submission basically feels like a big bruise.

I fear car.  How are you?

Good day. 

belly dance, medical, job, learning, food, house, car, haberdashery

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