(no subject)

Nov 02, 2008 22:15

Dear Internet,

At some point during the Christmas holiday, am considering running a D&D or maybe WoD game for a couple of my London friends, who are curious about gaming.  One of them has played Mage: The Ascension before, a couple of them play Warcrack and/or City of Heroes and various console games.  I have never run a proper game completely on my own before.  Please post advice ITT TIA.

I had a wonderful weekend.  Having grown tired of entrusting my emotional state to the quality of Warren Ellis' work (someone makes a wormhole with their brain by accident wtf) I bought some new comics and look forward to reading them.  Comic comic comic.  Seeing as they didn't have Wormwood:  Gentleman Corpse, I started with My Brain is Hanging Upside Down, by David Heatley, which so far is making me sad.  But in an interesting, shocked-by-the-sheer-honesty-of-it-all way.  I also wanted to buy gaming books, but annoyingly for the first time in ever, the games room didn't have any of the ones I wanted at all, whereas usually I resolve to not spend money and then they have far too many that I want... but I got to see Duncan and make sure he's still alive and all that (he is).  I also have a couple of friends who are periodically lending me comics, too (please feel free to add yourself to this group of friends: it will please me).  Perhaps I shall pester friends for gaming books also.  Comics comics comics.  On Thursday I researched London gaming groups and there's a weekly one in Central London that I could go to.  This gives me hope.  On Friday I watched Christie Malry’s Own Double Entry (NOT a pr0n:  unfortunately named revenge film) which was really good and had an interesting take on revenge that was quite cool.  It had Nick Moran from Lock Stock, and I recommend it.  Thursday Union Council Meeting didn't happen as we were short by about 6 people, so I got to go to Hannah's writers' meeting thing and catch the end and bump into Becky (who is awesome).  Although I did actually manage to find out the stuff that gamessoc needed to know from the meeting anyway, so no losses there at all.   And I bought new boots on Friday and clothes for Live games.  And both Werewolf and the pack meeting on Saturday were really, really fun.  More fun even than I expected them to be.  And on Sunday I had a delicious brunch and wondered around town with Evil JoN.  For more shopping.  Shopping for clothes Harriet may wear, rather than just the people she pretends to be once a month.  And then I got to go and bother Lucy in the evening, which was nice for me, at least.  She may have been a bit sleepy and unwell, though.  And now I shall read a comic.  (comic comic).

To Do:
Take Jack Shannon even less seriously than I do now.  Stop trying to work out why he is like that. 
Make model house
Finish scarf
Buy food
Get a degree
Speak to doctor re brain
Become a full not-cripple.
Read every comic
Purchase giant hamster-style water bottle, attach to bed. 
Sign up to Clay Pigeon Shooting Society
Show those clay pigeons who’s boss
Tidy house (but I did that last month!  If I’d known I’d just have to do it all over again I mightn’t’ve bothered.) 
Plan game, convince London friends that it’s cool really.

If you want to add things to my To Do List, please suggest them here.

Good day.

P.S. Oh, Dicks.  Somehow, my browser spell checker has been turned off.  I thought I was spelling really well.  It turns out:  No. 

gaming, film, to do, good day, comic

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