Feb 21, 2010 15:10
Tea with Capitalism Part Five
- Martyrs, in 2010 -
Capitalism breeds its own destruction over time, any true Marxist can point out to you why and how. Businesses strive to come out ahead in their own tiny, personal, ever-closer victories over their competitors, cutting costs on every corner. The heads of industry pay less, outsource labour, use cheaper supplies, and bribe government officials to slack regulations. The working class falls, and the bourgeoisie soars on high, reveling in their own successes until it comes to pass that they are the only ones with the money. When you look at the big picture, the value of money is measured by all of society, not just its richest few. Higher wages are given to those seeking respite from the ever-climbing debt and unrelenting harrassment from the goons of the bourgeoisie, a social class that lays out elaborate traps amongst a maze of paperwork to keep the social order bound. The wages are a comforting illusion, for when the lowest rung of the ladder is pushed up, so is the entire order. The grunts recieve $5 more and, in accordance, the price of all goods are raised by $5. This is the ongoing cycle of inflation and illusion, which kills off the strong and perpetuates the greedy of our nation.
On February 20 of 2010, Joseph Stack finally gave a message to the United States. A pity that his message will be heard by so few; acted upon by even less. The greatest men in this country, of education, of dilligence, and of mental or physical prowess, shall find no use for their successes. One man finally grew tired of being harrassed. Every day he suffered the lecherous pursuit of the government's financial institutions, a plight which is shared with so much of the rest of the nation. Day by day we are robbed of our wealth, both consciously and subtly, by the capitalist structure firmly embedded in our government, one which forbids the crossing of lower classes into political influence. The government keeps taking and taking, to what end? In a last desperate act, Joseph Stack gave our government what they ultimately wanted: life. I would revel in his own satisfaction, and declare proudly that he won't be stolen from any longer, now that he is dead. Unfortunately I know the United States government far too well to make that assumption.
Most of the nation has been conned into believing that giving up their rights and their money is part of the natural cycle upon which the financial health of this country depends. In reality it is unfounded laws and poor executive organisation coupled with raw greed that has placed the people of the United States in the financial pits that most are in now. It is not normal, it does not have to be normal, but try telling this to people who have known nothing else for their lifetimes and you will see how hard it is for things to change. The government enjoys keeping ignorant masses, for they now think that Joseph Stack was a crazy man. And yes, he is as crazy as any oppressed individual who gave up his life fighting for his cause against a greater evil.
I once thought that true heroes no longer existed. I thought that people who died for their beliefs in a final valiant charge against unspeakable juggernauts of malevolent power had long faded into the wars of history. To me, modern citizens of the United States are far too ignorant, lazy, and fat to be concerned with anything outside of a hair in their soup. One man had the courage to prove me wrong. Vive Le Résistance, no matter how small, unrecognised, and unappreciated it may be!
tea with capitalism