Apr 03, 2012 03:23
So I just finished reading Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie. I really loved the characters, and the last two pages or so were awesome. The murder victim and the accused (and condemned) were husband and wife, respectively. And just the way that their marriage work was interesting. Like they fought like cats and dogs, the phrase that was actually used, but they rather enjoyed it.
And he was a philandering artist, who astoundingly the only person he really cared for at all was his wife, despite the fact that he cheated on her and even went so far as to make his wife endure the presence of the 'other woman' in her own house. I mean the audacity! Anyway it was a really good book.
On another, unrelated note. Game of Thrones, the second season started on Sunday. Being as it was the first episode, not a whole lot happened. But there were some very awesome scenes. Like Robb Stark talking to Jaimie Lannister and intimidating him with his giant Direwolf. And just the whole scene with Tyrion speaking to his sister was awesome. He's one of my fave characters and Peter Dinklage plays him so awesomely.
My last fave part was when Cersei threatens Little Finger with the guards. I just thought it was so awesome the way she demonstrated her point by how she ordered the guards and they followed her orders exactly to the word.
2012 reading,
agatha christie mission