The Deathly Hallows-- no spoilers

Jul 23, 2007 08:44

Finished the Deathly Hallows-- a day later than I might have otherwise without an event to run, but being the gripping read it is, it still only took about three sittings (gotta eat and sleep sometime ). Wonderful. Out of deference to friends and anyone who might trip across my journal, I won't give anything away, but I will say this is probably the most satisfying ending to any book or series I think I've ever read. Way better than getting rid of thread on Pern. :P I just *loved* it, thoroughly, and my respect for Rowling as a writer is beyond measure. Her accomplishment with these books is beyond extraordinary.

I was also stunned to realize how much I have in common with Lily-- I usually don't identify at all with characters who are (or become, over the course of the book/series) mothers, so I was really surprised to see an amazing series of parallels with her by the end of the book. Weird, but okay.

Besides a couple of things that will be obvious to those who know some really personal stuff about me, there’s this whole “you’re a doe” thing that came up in a guided meditation YEARS ago that I had completely forgotten about until the end of this book-- I usually don’t identify with anything as “fluffy” as a doe, so I tend not to think about that particular meditation that a friend of mine took me on. He was not surprised that I “became” a doe, but I sure was. :>
Anyhow-- I can quit avoiding spoilers now and run around seeing what other people had to say about it.  Whee!

fun stuff

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