WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!! (a far happier post than the last)

May 16, 2008 00:56

Yes, the Mouse is calling me home again... :)  We've got our room & flight booked, so it's as official as it's going to get-- all of my trips to the World as an adult, I've been careful to remember that We're Adults Now, and things happen that can change our plans, so until I'm actually standing at the TTC, I'm trying to be reserved.

But Gary says he's DEFINITELY going, and can't imagine where else I would be. :P

Plans include the Halloween bash at the Magic Kingdom, which I've never done; Gary says it's getting harder topping himself for my birthday (since he's given me several "Okay, now THIS one is my best birthday EVER!!" experiences now), so maybe a "This is the best EVER!!" for my favorite holiday is in order.

Yaaaaaay MICKEY!!!


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