Jan 12, 2006 09:51
I've been reading prince Caspian over again, and I've come to realize that I'm not very different from him. For all his life he had been told tales of fauns, dwarfs, and Peter, Susan, Edmond, and Lucy. But when he told his uncle, he mocked him saying that non of the stories were real, and everyone else thought like the king, and had forgotten about Old Narnia. The people just remembered their pain and fear and never joy and happiness, they thought the good days as were over, all except Caspian, who still longed for Old Narnia. And in the end he ran away and found what he was always looking for, his home in Old Narnia. Too many times people think that the world can't be better, that the thing can do is be bitter and sorrowful, but we can fight that. The one weapon we have against sorrow and bitterness is joy, and don't mean you have to always happy, joy does not come from happiness, but happiness comes from joy. Joy is what we should be looking for, not something to ease the pain. We must look for the cure, not a pain reliever.