I'm not sure if I want to keep my hair this color. Hmm. :\ What do you guys think? Maybe I should go to blond- reddish blond, like I had last year? (Here, pics I stole off of Ryo's cellphone (stalker. ♥)
Here, and
here, and
here too~) Guys, what do you think? D:!
[filtered to Jin]
Where the hell have you been?
[filtered to Toma; Mike; Maru]
Uhm. Can I talk to you guys?
MATH IS KILLING ME. ;____; Someone needs to help me quick, or god, I'm going to fail... :( (a;slkdjf I need to get into Meiji, though. ;; D:) OH, OH, I was right, by the way. That little asshole is Rina's boyfriend. D:< Mama needs to know about this. Someone's gonna die. :I Does that sound creepy? Stalkeresque? Because I'm not. I just don't want her to get hurt. as;ldfjk screw it I'm jealous. NO ONE HAD BETTER TOUCH LITTLE SISTER EVER. lkajsdfl :( I want to hit something. Preferably something with a face.
I'm not going to talk about that here.
I'm not, because it be another one of those repetitive ballads of angst I've grown so fond of lately, and fuck it, I'm tired of crying over him. (That sounds so worn out. :\) I'm not going to think about him anymore. At all. Akanishi Jin is dead to me.
(I hate the fact that I keep looking at the door and thinking that any second now he's going to waltz in, say something stupid about how perfect soccer practice was, apologize for being late and spend the rest of the night throwing paper at me from his bed.)
Edit: Fuck. Why- How are we doing this so quickly?
Edit 2: Why do I keep responding like this?
He's not the person I hate. He can't be a person I hate, he's never been and is never going to be a person I hate. Jin's the one that (along with Fumi and drama, but more than that) made me... god, it sounds so stupid, but who I am today? I'd still be that shy, quiet, talk to me and I'll burst out crying kid that no one got at all. Jin was, is who I am.
(How the hell did I lose him so easily?)
((OOC: Sorry for all the emo edits. He keeps coming up with this angst, I don't get it at all. ;;))