Just for my own reference! And to be edited when I think of more things,
- The entire fellowship journey took thirteen months.
- The Hobbits had a distinct calendar: every year started on a Saturday and ended on a Friday, with each of the twelve months consisting of thirty days. Some special days did not belong to any month - Yule 1 and 2 (New Year's Eve & New Years Day) and three Lithedays in mid-summer. Every fourth year there was an extra Litheday, most likely as an adaptation, similar to a
leap year, to ensure that the calendar stayed synchronised with the seasons.
List of hobbits. - Birthday - 22 September 2968
- I'm uncertain about his age in the movies! Because he's 33 at the end of Bilbo's party, but 50 when he set out. IDK either way, he's definitely hobbit-adult :|
- He was stabbed on the 6th of October and poisoned on March 13th. The wound will never really heal and on those anniversaries, he feels the pain once more.
- Frodo is well-aware that he could go on the ship to the Grey Havens (it's foreshadowed in the chapter just after Aragorn's coronation, bookverse - Galadriel had made a special prayer to the Valar that Frodo be allowed to pass into the West, and Arwen also asked Gandalf, as an emissary of the Valar, to intercede on Frodo's behalf
- His parents drowned when he was 12
- In Old English, fród means "wise by experience."
For the name Baggins, Tolkien intended to recall the word "bag." The associated name Bag End was meant to imply "cul-de-sac." This was the local name of Tolkien's aunt's farm in Worcestershire, which was located at the end of a lane that led no further.
Baggins may also be a reference to bagging, a term used in northern England for eating between meals.
- NAMES - Frodo Baggins, Elf-friend, Mr. Underhill, Bronwe athan Harthad (Endurance Beyond Hope, named such by Gandalf), Daur (noble in Sidarin), Maura Labingi (his hobbit name in Westron) AND OF COURSE BINGO BAGGINS!!