hurplication for splendorocity

Jan 27, 2011 01:10

Player Information:
Name: Captain Fantastic
Journal: fuckingpeacocks
Method of Contact: AIM or LJ message
Previous characters: grylls_bears & keeps_strange

Character Information:
Full Name: Akira Kitami
Series: Yankee-kun to Megane-chan
Canon point: End of chapter 122, after fireworks shenanigans.
Age: 16
Species: Humans
Appearance/PB: look at this nasty delinquent
Appearance upon arrival: Like this.

Previous RP memories: Nein
Bringing someone along?: UNFORTUNATELY but Kagawa gets his own app.
Character History: "A third-year delinquent who just wants to make friends, but is unable to come off friendly. He later makes friends with Kagawa, and on occasion hangouts with the student council with Kagawa. Later on, he runs for Student Council as the Vice-President along side Anna in hopes of making more friends. He and his group eventually win the election after their rival candidates concede. After the School's Sports Festival he develops a crush on Anna. In an attempt to get to know her better he, Kagawa and Anna begin a tradition of going to an Ice Cream shop together after school each day."
This is pretty much all Wikipedia has to say on the subject of Kitami, so here are a few more key points: Kitami comes from a standard nuclear family, living right across from his school with his parents and younger sister. He became a 'topic of interest' of the then-current Student Council when his fight with Itsuki Kagawa left him suspended and about to be expelled from Mon Shiro High entirely, and it was revealed that they'd fought when Kitami had asked his classmate to be his friend and been rejected. However, after some ~counciling~ lmao excuse the pun the pair actually became friends, a fact solidified most notably when Kagawa refused to join a group if it didn't also include Kitami. Since then Kitami has successfully (somehow) run for Vice-President of the Student Council under his bro and alongside his ~crush~ Anna, and they (and Nacchi & Macchi, the rest of the new!StuCo) are endeavouring to make Mon Shiro High a place where everyone can be as accepted as they are.

Personality: Like most of the characters in the series, Kitami is a delinquent loner who secretly yearns to fit in and make friends. However, for various reasons his background, personality and general aura have made this a difficult task for him. When he arrived at Mon Shiro High he already had the reputation of a violent delinquent and thus was deemed to be 'scary'; the fact that he gets nervous meeting people (as highlighted especially when he's invited to a mixer and ends up with a stomachache about it) tends to increase this scary aura. As a result, Kitami has become very shy in his own cranky way about trying to making new friends. Even with his best friend, Kagawa, he has a pretty dysfunctional and frequently punchy relationship, though the two are nigh-on inseparable despite their initial attempts at plausible deniability.

Still, in his high school career Kitami tries his best to be involved in group activities, although he frequently has to be cajoled into it (this is a lie, he wants to join in but also wants to maintain his rep. Kitami can be pretty tsundere this way). For example, although initially reluctant to become the Red Team's Ouendan Leader (this due mostly to his shyness), Kitami agrees after realising that, if he does a good job, people will want to be friends with him. It's during this period that he forms some new friendships with members of his own year, as well as the first-year Anna who directs the ouendan - in fact, he develops quite a crush on her, at one point mentally threatening to kill someone who may have potentially sent her a confession letter. This crush eventually leads to the three of them (he and Anna plus Kagawa that damn third wheel) beginning a tradition of going for ice cream after school. It always seems to be Kitami's treat, and though he protests pretty loudly he always caves in, because he's a nice dude and a pushover and he likes hanging out with his bro and best girl. They're also the first friends Kitami has ever brought home, as pointed out (to his eternal chagrin) by his little sister.

Perhaps because of how hard he finds it to make friends and bond with people, once he does so Kitami is very close with and protective of them. The thought of losing someone he's used to hanging out with doesn't sit well with him; at one point during the sports festival he almost gets into a fight with his senior/team captain over letting one of the ouendan members slip out due to an overprotective mother, stating that "YOU CAN'T JUST UP AND REPLACE SOMEONE LIKE THAT!" Another time, when a gang of delinquents are hired to get him and Kagawa into a fight to ruin their reputation and potentially get Kitami expelled, neither he nor Kagawa hesitate to retaliate since the thugs were threatening Anna. To Kitami, the safety of his friends is more important than his public image or his school career (although it'd be a total bummer if they couldn't hang out at school anymore). As the series progresses and Kitami grows more confident in himself and his friendships, he becomes more proactive about initiating friendsy funtimes, such as suggesting a rousing game of cards when on the StuCo retreat.

Kitami also tries very hard to do his best by people who invite him to do things with them: when Nacchi and Macchi (the other two of his StuCo members) invite him to the mixer he goes into some special 'training' with a couple of his seniors to overcome his shyness and become a 'Mixer Meister' since this was the first time he'd been invited to one and didn't want to let Nacchi and Macchi down. Similarly, he takes a lot of pride in the things he decides to do for himself, such as the seriousness with which he treated running for Student Council.

Kitami can be pretty responsible when the occasion calls for it and it's something he cares about. During the Sports Festival he did his best with the rest of the Red Team leaders (his seniors, Shinigawa and Chiba, and his bro Kagawa) to sweet-talk their team's parents into letting them do nighttime practices. When he and his friends run for Student Council, it's Kitami who really knuckles down and realises that they need to decide on a running platform. When combined with Kagawa and Anna, Kitami gets to be the voice of (relative) reason. To put it bluntly, Kagawa is only a little less dumb than a stump, and Anna is a total airhead, so it's generally up to Kitami to ground them when it comes to 'serious' things. This doesn't always work out too well since he can be pretty ridiculous himself, but all in all they complement each other and things generally work out. His ridiculousness is often linked to his short temper, which flares most often because Kitami simply doesn't know how else to handle a situation he's not familiar with so the wannabe-alpha male in him tries to dominate it with a show of force.

This apparent machismo, however, is offset by a somewhat romantic streak. Kitami has been known to complain rather extravagantly about his 'heartsickness' until Kagawa wingman'd for him and helped him work up the courage to ask Anna to hang out with him (ie: them). He also seems to have something of a middleschool girl's bashfulness, regarding asking someone to walk home with him as 'kinda bold' like it was a big deal. Still, this doesn't entirely rid him of his delinquent streak; Kitami's competitive spirit is strong, and he has a few naughty little quirks such as a possible pyromaniac bent, if the way he plays with fireworks is any indication.

He's also scared of horror movies like a big wussy, but that's okay since Kagawa is too all right!!

Character Abilities: Kitami is a pretty decent delinquent fighter, capable of holding his own with Itsuki Kagawa who was a member of a strong bozoku (a biker gang), and apparently he's also a pretty decent dancer. Other than that he's pretty useless at a lot of stuff. Seriously. Don't ever get him to make a speech.
Possessions: A few fireworks, his wallet...that's about it.
Anything else: Not that I can think of!

Action/Communication thread/post sample: tsundere and derp all up in this biznasty
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