(no subject)

Dec 08, 2006 18:35

I am so thankful for this semester's final schedule. Just Monday and Tuesday, I guess that's the beauty of only taking four classes.

The past two days have been spent doing whatever I please and then working for five or six hours (and when I say working I mean watching TV, knitting, reading cnn.com, and playing textwist). When in all actuality I should be studying for my finals that are on Monday and Tuesday.

I have yet to find outfits for my birthday dinner with Augie, December Birthday Extravaganza with the best people ever, and Christmas. It's partially because I'm getting fat and I don't like the way I look in anything and partially because I have a hard time spending money on clothes. Mom is taking me shopping on my birthday and hopefully I will have an easier time finding things.

I am so excited about my birthday! 20... YAY!!!!!!! I'm ready to be 20 and I have a feeling it will be a good year that will close out with me graduating. Just something to look forward to!

I'M READING A BOOK FOR PLEASURE. Hello. Augie's job at the bookstore has brought home lots of good books and sometimes he brings one for me. Never mind that there are books on my shelf that I haven't read, I stole his copy of Ishmael because it's one of those books that you always think "I've heard of that, I want to read it" and it's awesome so far. He also brought me one on multiple intelligence theory by Howard Gardner but he's currently comendeering(sp?) that one.

It's FREEZING in my room. That's one drawback of living in an older apartment.

After last week, I am absoutely loving life!
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