♕ |[9]| Then I had religion, then I had a vision; I could not turn from their revel in derision

Jun 05, 2009 09:47

Tonight, tonight, tonight!!

I thought about staying out all night, staying up and watching the shooting stars until the sky got too light to see them, but I was too tired to manage it. Kind of unexpected, but it was very pretty; I wonder whether it means anything.

I was reading, after I came back in, and I found this;

GO and catch a falling star,
Get with child a mandrake root,
Tell me where all past years are,
Or who cleft the devil's foot,
Teach me to hear mermaids singing,
Or to keep off envy's stinging,
            And find
            What wind
Serves to advance an honest mind.

If thou be'st born to strange sights,
Things invisible to see,
Ride ten thousand days and nights,
Till age snow white hairs on thee,
Thou, when thou return'st, wilt tell me,
All strange wonders that befell thee,
            And swear,
            No where
Lives a woman true and fair.

If thou find'st one, let me know,
Such a pilgrimage were sweet;
Yet do not, I would not go,
Though at next door we might meet,
Though she were true, when you met her,
And last, till you write your letter,
            Yet she
            Will be
False, ere I come, to two, or three.

It's John Donne. It's... well, kind of a pessimistic poem, but I like it anyway. All the impossible images, grandiose and ironically sad... Mostly, I just thought it was interesting, coming across it last night while the stars here were falling. I like that; odd little coincidences. Like unexpected undeserved bits of good luck, cropping up unexpected.

I don't know, it makes me feel like I've managed to do something right, accidentally, and the world just wanted to let me know. That sounds kind of insane, I guess?

[ooc; OKAY, so, as mentioned elsewhere the first DPS meeting is scheduled for tonight, and I'll be throwing up a log for it this evening~ so this is kind of a last-minute effort to a) catch the people on their short list who they haven't already poked in-character about it, and b) to open up the possibilities for anyone else who was interested in joining them! HERE is the original OOC info post~ so, yeah. TALK POETRY WITH HIM IF YOU WANT IN, PLZ? annnd make a note if you haven't already said you wanted in ^^;; I know a couple of people expressed interest in the OOC post who haven't really spoken with him about poetry yet IC, so we'll definitely have them continually expanding membership as they find more people. SORRY FOR TL;DR. If you have questions im/email me. :D]

secret societies are secret, dead poets society: city chapter, curse [after], omg omg omg, go and catch a falling star, meteor shower

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