۞ 2

Jul 04, 2011 01:04

( Sion is droned at 25% for the event. Also a heads up, if you tag this entry I can only back tag till around the 5th/6th due to leaving for a trip. I'll be with out internet so in less I can leach wi-fi from the people living near my Grandma you can drop these threads at any time in less you mind waiting a week for a reply.... )

Morning - >1664 Nelson Street

[ Sion kinda over worked her self with what happened at the pool party. Being pushed in by a certain vampire and being mocked for not being able to swim. Along with a splash war, clearly all this time in the sun would have some sort of well bad effect on her. At least it wasn't full blown heat stroke or something worse like it had been in the past. A night of deep sleep would help, but these dreams weren't the normal ones she had. Flashes of a “normal” everyday life in Mayfield filled her thoughts. Causing her to wake up a few times during the night.]

“I'm perfectly fine, these memories shouldn't make me worried....”

[She was just mumbling to her self as she got out of bed. All she needed to do was clear her mind for a bit and think out everything. Clearly her dreams had been placed there by someone else, but with out her normal brain power there was no way to really analyze it in great detail, or fight back as much. ]

Mid-afternoon - > Phone

Something feels off, I can't shake the thought of something being fake. I need to think about everything so far and analyze it. Though with my current state I don't think I will be able to come up with any results that are accurate ….

Evening - > Around the neighborhood

[ Sion is just kinda lost in thought walking around. Not really going anywhere. It's better then just sitting around but, she can't bring her self to find Shiki and the others. It was her brain playing tricks on her most likely, it would be a disgrace to ask for help on a matter like this. One's brain is the fundamental part of being an alchemist, she was a genius praised for her brain power asking for help would be like admitting defeat. ]

brain power, sion, event time, warned you about the sun bro, summer time, dronefield

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