Friday Recs (The Six Ways to Blackpool Edition)

Nov 19, 2010 00:11

Week Two of Diversified Recs. 22 recs in Inception, The Social Network and (of course) Sherlock (BBC 2010) for art, fic, primers and vids. Plus some bonus shiz cause that's how I roll.

Recs for All

Jon Stewart Crossing the Dailyware River -- Jon and Stephen make crossing the Delaware look good. And the artists made sure to put in all the TDS correspondents. Wyatt! Asif! Lewis fucking Black! But why is there no Larry Wilmore? Fail! :P


Currency by
the_ragnarok -- foxxcub is hosting an Inception Kissing fest. If you are not over there, why not? This story is one of the multitude of awesome contained therein and I just found it so utterly charming all I could do is smile.

Frog Prince by johanirae -- Eames turns into a frog. A paisley frog! And only Arthur can make him better. ♥

Teenage Arthur & Eames by jibrailis -- Kissing Meme Entry written by the most beloved jibrailis. There's a county fair. Arthur is the boy next door and Eames is manning the kissing both. And there are video games, cause that'a how she rolls.

Write your name on the dotted line by jibrailis -- I am huge jibrailis fan. Did y'all know that? I feel like I haven't said that in like two whole days. This story is just another example of why I'm in awe of her talent. Fandom is stuffed to the rafters with stories of kids in love and teenagers in love and college students in love and 20 and 30-somethings in love as though people stop being interested in sex or love or companionship the minute they hit 40, which, as far as I know, is totally untrue. So here is to jibrailis because not only does she show that the world doesn't stop at 40, but it might just start up in a whole new way. Five heads in the refrigerator for sure.*

*Thanks to Sherlock I sometimes rate things by the number of heads in the fridge. Don't even look at me like that. Benedict Cumberbatch could store an entire corpse in my house if wanted to. In theory. As long as I got to see him naked.

Sherlock (BBC 2010)

Art from the Taxi Scene in 'A Study in Pink' by sadynax -- I love this so much, I want to hug it and pet it and squeeze it and call it George. Seriously if you don't adore this too, you are dead inside. Also, I swear I had a real thought but the second drawing down is Sherlock holding a wee baby!John and I just went .... !!!!!

Caitlin Moran in The Times 5/8/10 typed up by wastedtiara -- Normally I like getting into fandoms on the ground floor; I'm that kind of person, but one of the things I am loving about coming into Sherlock a little later is that I can trace back stuff to its origins. A few weeks ago someone (Ravurian?) mentioned The Times saying Benedict has a voice like a 'jaguar hiding in a cello' and now I know who to thank for that. Because really. Everything Caitlin Moran says here is on the money.

It Gets Better (Sherlock BBC 2010) by moony -- For those who don't know, the It Gets Better Project was created by Dan Savage in an effort to offer support to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender kids and teenagers to let them know, that whatever you're going through right now, it gets better. It's taken hold pretty much everywhere, especially in light of the spate of teen suicides in the States & Canada, but whatever its original inspiration it's become an excellent tool to talk about bullying and the long-range effects that are felt years later. So this is a story moony wrote about that from Sherlock's perspective. And I just wanted to say that whatever your orientation, whatever your religion, whatever your current gender or the one you want to be, whatever your economic status or your emotional state right now. Whatever is wrong: IT GETS BETTER. SO HANG IN THERE.

p.s. The Trevor Project is there if you, or someone you know, might need someone to talk to.

John in Stripes by pavelchekov -- So, The Blind Banker kind of blew on a lot of levels -- and yet, it was still better than 90% of American television. What I managed to take away from this was that vertical stripes should not be banned for the entire planet: Martin Freeman gets special dispensation. Everybody else needs that shit burned.

Let You Kiss Me (So Sweet and So Soft) by out_there -- First of all, any time someone references Regina Spektor they get a smile from me, and then when the story is so well crafted and enjoyable that's just like a whole new level of GO TEAM YOU. This is a story about first kisses, specifically John and Sherlock's first kisses and I totally draw sparkly hearts around it, no lie.

Sherlock and The Princess Bride by lindseycathryn -- When I watched A Study in Pink there was this moment at the end between Sherlock and the cabbie where I thought, this looks a lot like Vizzini and Westley and then I put the lager down. But I wasn't the only one.

Sherlock's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by irisbleufic -- moony held a Sherlock Kissing Meme, which really? Great plan all round and this story is from that. I just... oh Sherlock. How so bitchy yet still so adorable?

show me what I'm looking for by ptelefolone -- There are many things I will eventually get tired of in this lifetime, Jealous!Sherlock is not one of them

Wherein There Is a Case, Several Mysteries, John Coming to the Rescue, and an Old Folk Saying by parsnips -- One of the things that I'm finding in Sherlock fic is that they will write the shit out of really plotty "dude, this is totally a case" fic. I expect to see this in the second series, the one where it's John who's doing the solving and OMG, he's such a BAMF! ♥ Also? Sherlock has a sekrit. Best sekrit ever. *\o/*

CHARITY AUCTION ALERT: His Most Holy Hotness, Benedict Cumberbatch himself, did a canvas of Sherlock to raise money for the Willow Foundation, which helps people with serious illnesses. This art? I can only assume that his talent just distills down to the fandom and that's why all the artists are so fucking talented. I mean, damn, this is well done. The auction goes lives on 26 November which is the day before my birthday. I'm just saying. No, I'm not seriously shilling Jaysis calm down.

The Social Network

A Social Network Primer by soxdamnxcute -- I really and truly wish more people were into The Social Network. I heard some people had issues with sexism in the film and that this was blamed on Aaron Sorkin. I'm not a Sorkin fan; I don't know what he's done in the past, but I can tell you that this movie is based on the book by Ben Mezrich (The Accidental Billionaires) and that I can assure you, the sexism is from the base material in this case. Also, that writer is an ass. BUT. I like this movie, a lot. So I'm really happy soxdamnxcute made this primer. And I'm really really happy that it introduced me to the idea of Jesse/Andrew. Because based on their interviews? Uh, so doing something.

world enough and time by fledmusic -- I love The Time Traveler's Wife, so I am partial to people adapting it for fandom. Correction, I am partial to people adapting it well. And this is so very well done. Mark is Henry and Eduardo is Clare. You think being a Time Traveler's tough? Trying doing that and running Facebook.

Videos of the Week

1. Inception does Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Arthur is trying to erase Eames -- I get all :( just thinking about it. I remember reading an inception_kink fill about this, but sparklinglyful made a vid about it. I really enjoyed it.

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2. My first Sherlock fanvid! And it is so very very awesome! \o/

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3. Benedict Cumberbatch talking about cuts in Arts Funding. I won't lie, the first few times I watched this I couldn't tell you what he was saying, because I was too busy swooning. Also, notice the way the sun literally starts shining on him around the 1:48 mark? Even the sun knows! ALL HAIL HIS MOST HOLY HOTASSERY!

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New Adele 'Rolling in the Deep' (And if you don't know who Adele is, why the fuck not?)

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the social network (i'm ceo bitch), recs: inception, no shit sherlock (bbc 2010), recs: vids, recs: misc

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