Friday Recs

Nov 10, 2010 10:47

It's Wednesday. Let's do Friday Recs! \o/ What can I say -- I see no reason to postpone the sharing of awesome.

This is the first week I'm attempting diversification of Friday Recs, we'll see how it goes. I had to start drafting this fucker yesterday, so don't say I never did anything for you. This week's recs are REALLY REALLY art heavy (*fist pump*) cause that's what I'm feeling right now. Plus, there's so much Sherlock fic to go through I'm not even sure how to go through it apart from just reading until my eyeballs fall out. This is broken up in three sections, by fandom: Inception, Social Network, and, of course, Sherlock. And yes, it is long enough to warrant a cut. Finally.

General Rec

How to Write about Injuries Realistically -- I'd like to thank bauble for bringing this to my attention. It covers pretty much everything you could want: broken bones, burns, physical reaction, blunt trauma -- unfortunately it doesn't cover the thing I need to find which is gunshot wounds, particularly to the abdomen, so if somebody's got that, help a girl out. ETA: What I'm really looking for information-wise isn't the technical aspect of the wound, or even what occurs at the hospital, but the physical and mental effects the person would be dealing with in the weeks and months afterward. I very much appreciate all the technical and medical help you've all provided though, thank you.


don't know what you've got by veritas_nescio -- To me an outsider POV is always a tricky thing, because you have to look at it as someone who doesn't have all the facts. Someone who's only seeing a piece of what's there and deliberately ignoring what you think you know, cause fandom is all about what you think you know, which is why, when it's done well it's all the more impressive.

Lounging With Eames by red_rahl -- When I first watched Inception all I could think about when Tom Hardy and Joe weren't on the screen was, "Eames. Eames? Like the chair?" Yes, ladies and gents, like the chair. red_rahl took that association and did something fabulous with it. Well done.

Team Inception by nami86 -- This is so hypnotic I almost apologize in advance. Almost.

Tom Hardy in Arena Homme courtesy of foxxcub -- You know what's really interesting is that when I first saw these my first thought was, "Oh, these must be costume fittings for Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy." I mean there is something incredibly 1960s British secret service about these shots to me. The flask, the lean, the hair, the pocket book. But they apparently they were taken for Arena Homme, but you'll never convince me that the wardrobe stylist didn't have the book/film in mind, which just goes to show that good tailoring? CLASSIC. Some shit never goes out of style. (Plus, if this isn't Ricki Tarr I don't know what is).


Dear people of Sherlock fandom: Why did nobody tell me about Fuck Yeah Sherlock (fkyeahsherlock) on the first day at the first hour? Oh my god, it's a treasure trove of awesome. I could go over there and never come back and I would be fine with that. I would like to thank the awesome awesome people who run that tumblr. I would also like to send a special, "Holy fucking shit" to the artists in Sherlock fandom because your talent is pretty fucking unrivaled and I mostly just made high pitched noises and pawed at my screen.

I'd also like to say that it would seem that Andrew Scott (Jim Moriarty) did a wee film back in 2001 called Band of Brothers, which is just more fuel to my on-going theory that every British and/or Irish actor worth his salt, and quite a few Americans were in that miniseries, whether they starred or were just a flicker. Don't believe me? Andrew Scott, Tom Hardy, James McAvoy, Jamie Bamber, Kirk Acevedo, Eion Bailey, Michael Cudlitz, Dexter Fletcher, Damien Lewis, Ron Livingston, Michael Fassbender, Simon Pegg, it goes on and on. Trufax. And I, for one, would really prefer it, if rather than me racking my brains every time I see someone, they had just tattooed everyone that had been on the miniseries. Nothing big, something behind the right ear, the nape of the neck, inside of the left elbow, behind the left knee, something that I could just spot and say, Oh, okay, this is where the awesome originated, cool."

And now, we get to business.

Benedict's Bare Bum by His parents. The gene pool. And the grace of god. And maybe a very good trainer. -- First of all, Not Safe for Work. Second of all. Not Safe for Work. Third of all. I am not a backside person. An arse is a very very hard thing to get right. Sometimes all the squats in the world will not help you. Sometimes you need a trainer. Most times you need genetics. But this bum. I've side it sideways. Shirts sit on it like a shelf. I thought that was already mind-boggling enough. And then I saw this. I have stood at the foot of the David and it ruined me... until I saw this.

Benedict Cumberbatch by Weebl -- Oh my fucking god. I am so so so... not sorry for what is going to happen to you when you watch this video. I really am not, because veronamay started it and I confess now that I listen to this when I'm feeling down and then I am reminded that I am a dirty dirty girl, who will hopefully one day succeed in the ultimate Cumbersnatch with a ham. A glazed ham. Must remember to glaze the ham. And that's not even a euphemism. Yet.

Bar Sherlock by redscharlach -- Drinks at 221b Baker Street. The Moriarty is served with Semtex. This is love. And brilliance.

I'm Bored via brittaniethekid -- I need more adjectives for Sherlock fandom art. Brilliant. Scintillating. Engrossing. Amusing. Perfectly realized. Utterly charming. Yeah, this piece of art has all of that. This is the kind of thing you want to print out and put next to your monitor or possibly email to your mates along with a text "Trouble coming."

"Just...don't" by dauntdraws -- HAHAHAHAHAHa. Oh my god, Sherlock fandom's artist are giving me a serious complex with their awesome. Look at this piece. Look at this ink. Holy shit, I have to get knee pads to bow down here.

.Sherlock 1.03 'S.O.S' by potterarchy -- Now that all three episodes have aired in the States we can learn all kinds of shit that we were afraid to go looking for. This bit of trivia about John in the pool scene left me gaping. How fucking smart are you Moffat & Co? How fucking awesome must you be? Well played!

Sherlock and John by charter-magic -- I just -- I'm sorry I can't hear you over how much I want this art. I really can't. I feel like I'm looking at ink and pencils here, but I'm not sure. Mostly I can't stop staring at the faces and the clothes (this is me) and the -- *waves hands* -- everything.

Sherlock Does 'Telephone' by incomplexity -- There is nothing I can say that is going to prepare you for the awesome contained here within. Nothing. I'm just warning you now. And yet. You must ask yourself, if one were to mash-up Sherlock and Lady Gaga's 'Telephone' what exactly would that be like? And then you will click and you will see. Also, have I told you lot that I like Mycroft, because I do. I really really do. He reminds me of people I used to know. But with a bit more power.

Sherlock Goes to Inception by twirlynoodle -- You have to scroll past the street map to see this, but I suspect that it may be the single most perfectly expressed piece of fan art I've seen all year. Maybe in the last few. The look on Sherlock's face. John's body language. Everything about this is so well considered and realized. The lines. The emotions. The way you can just see this happening in your mind's eye. You are going to lose your shit laughing. Promise.

Sherlock in Charcoal by Lyvyan -- The ability of Sherlock fandom to get the likeness of the character/actors so perfectly realised on paper is astonishing to me. It really is utterly the sort of thing I find myself marvelling at and clapping like a deranged seal. \o/

Stuffed Sherlock by fkyeahsherlock -- It's a Sherlock doll. Made out of felt. I want one! I want one! Oh look, there's a Sherlock and a Watson! <33333333 (Yes, new people this is really what it's like when I first fall in lust. Really. You should've been here for Inception and Generation Kill. I'm crap at sustainability though, so don't get attached.)

Words by memorieswarm -- I love it when people do something a little different. Take a simple concept and turn it around a bit. Think about your name. What it means to you; what it makes you. You are your name, aren't you?

So, I mentioned above that I am rilly rilly new with Sherlock fic and very very slowly working my way through it, cause wow, y'all are prolific, but I will tell you that I am enjoying irisbleufic's work tremendously. In particular Perspective and The Drowning Man Series, which follows the events of The Great Game and spins them off in a direction that I enjoyed. There are so many different flavors of Sherlock fic, people who are very drawn towards the sociopathic angle, those who like their Sherlock to be even more removed than he already is, but I confess that I'm torn towards the writing that makes him more human, perhaps not quite so closed off and infallible.

The Social Network

Dear The Social Network peeps: It occurred to me this week that Mark Zuckerberg is the American equivalent of Sherlock Holmes (the BC version). Mark is insanely smart, has zero fucking people skills, does one thing better than pretty much anybody else on the planet, had one friend on the world (Sherlock at least has managed to keep his) and really couldn't give a shit about anything except being married to his work. And that one friend bit. maurheti then also helpfully pointed that this line of thought also made Sean Moriarty (in all that twisted Svengali admiration and weird courting). And lo I was convinced. Think about it.

hold you by the edges by imogenedisease -- There are really only two places to go with The Social Network fic. Either you fix it -- 'it' being their current state of affairs-- or you roll with what you're given, slash somebody's forearm open and insert copious amounts of kosher salt. Naturally, imogenedisease went with the latter. It hurts good though.

these things get louder by fledmusic -- So, I'm just going to tell you guys what I said in the comment to this story, "So, you have written the ultimate TSN fic. You took the premise we all love, "So, what happens now..." and you made it real and tangible and so Mark. The total obliviousness that turns into obsession. The random emails, because who doesn't act stupid like that, and the chicken and the house sorting, and just -- just the way they behave. This is utterly fabulous. Thank you.. Yeah. Y'all should really read this one.

What I’m Trying To Say, or, ‘5 times Mark does something creepy to try and get Eduardo to be his friend again without actually apologizing’ (Of course one of those things involves Inception, do you even have to ask?) by fledmusic -- See what it says on the tin? That is exactly what happens. With bonus Inception crossover. How can you go wrong?

Video(s) of the Week

1. My girl. Because everybody should love her as much as I do. Thanks to antheia

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2. And this video brought to you by Pixar and issaro because I'm pretty sure the stork is John and the baby maker is Sherlock and if that doesn't make you watch it, I give you up for a lost cause.

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3. Last but never ever ever least... Benedict talking about the role of Sherlock and what drew him to it. At least this is what maurheti tells me it's about. I can't lie: when he starts talking my ovaries speak up and my brain shuts down

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Also, I have been most remiss in not wishing the most beloved United States Marine Corps a very happy birthday. The older you are the hotter and more competent you get! \o/

the social network (i'm ceo bitch), recs: inception, no shit sherlock (bbc 2010), recs: vids, recs: misc

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