You lot would know all about that, wouldn't you?

Oct 27, 2010 12:20

1. Jon Stewart Most Influential Man in America. This is news? Did people not know this?

1b. There will be 508 Port-a-Johns at the Rally to Restore Sanity this weekend in Washington D.C. They are expecting 150,000 people. What this means is: go before you go.

2. Geoff Boucher over at Hero Complex interviewed God, err, Chris Nolan about Batman 3. And? He got some answers!

- The movie is officially called The Dark Knight Rises
- The villain is not The Riddler
- Boucher is hoping it's gonna be Hugo Strange. Which was my vote two weeks back. If I'm right do I get a cookie?

3. Also, in Tom news. Several weeks back I was talking with maurheti and said that at the rate his star is ascending it was only a matter of time before Angelina starting circling on her broom. I just didn't think that it was gonna happen this soon. Am I an Angelina fan? No, Ari and I are not. We don't hate her, just don't subscribe to all the fuss.

4. I saw Killshot the other day. Uh HUH. I have no idea how people can see Joe as anything than insanely ripped and stronger than a 2 by 4 to the back of the head. He's lithe, but there is nothing weak or feeble about him. He's got Zero fucking Body Fat. He's ripped like a Marine. He's not built like a bloody romance novel heroine. I don't even... But you know, opinion is subjective; this is my opinion.

5. In less hostile news, maurheti, serialkarma and I have finally - yes fucking finally -- seen the pilot for Sherlock. Yes, that Sherlock. I had no idea it was a modern adaptation. I had no idea it was, in fact, that clever. Or that gay. Gracious. Do you have story recs for us? Bring 'em on!

no shit sherlock (bbc 2010)

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