Friday Recs (like a boss)

Sep 17, 2010 07:52

I don't tend to read when I'm writing (avoidance of outside influence), but I've still got an awesome collection of recs this week. Go team me! \o/ I do have a side note for the people in inception_kink who are not finishing their WIPs: what the shit, y'all? You are fucking KILLING ME. GAH! Ahem. Yes.

Art Recs

Don't Be Ugly: A Message from JGL by hitRECord -- Joe has a very special message for everybody this week courtesy of his blog and Roald Dahl. (Peace, Roald!) Read it, embrace it, abide by it. Make the world a better place.

Inception Lego Style by -infomaniac- - Just what it says on the label. What label is that you ask? The label entitled "HELLA AWESOME."

Inception People by nataliadarimini -- nataliadarimini made clay Inception weeble-wobbles (but not like really) that are really fucking adorable. Like really.

A Softer Inception by greenpixiehair -- I had never heard of A Softer World until last week's set of recs when vanitashaze was all, "So, have you seen this?" And then I saw it and I believe my reaction was flailing followed by keyboard smash followed by high pitched noises. I can't explain it, just go look for yourselves.

Art & Fic Rec

Arthur and Eames Care Bears Art by aredblush in conjunction with angelgazing 's story let the fun shine in -- Last week aredblush earned my undying adoration for her awesomeawesomeawesome Inception My Little Ponies (I would seriously buy the boxed set. Robert's colors are amazing). This week she drew Care Bears for angelgazing 's story let the fun shine in. READ THIS STORY. Incept-a-lot. Holy Zeus. <33 Love the art, read the story, shower them with love. Fandom, how so awesome?

Fic Recs

Dreaming Up by pyrimidine -- Arthur is not an anal-retentive neat-freak. Eames is rather surprised by this. I love this Arthur. This is totally an Arthur I subscribe to and get a weekly newsletter about.

The Gates of Horn and Ivory by jibrailis -- Dear jibrailis, WHY DO YOU MAKE THE OTHER CHILDREN LOOK BAD? That's just... that's not right. Or it wouldn't be right if it weren't for the awesome contained herein. Can I be like you when I grow up? Whatever you are doing, stop it right now and go read this story. After I finished it I immediately contacted maurheti and I was like, "It's like the motherfucking Penrose steps! You're running.... running... suddenly you're all where are the motherfucking steps?"

The J. Crew AU by foxxcub -- foxxcub tried to say this isn't a real story, but she was telling porkie-pies. This is totally a real story. And valid. And it has pictures. Normally I have very strong opinions about J. Crew, but when the menswear is used to illustrate a story about Arthur the Model and Eames the Photographer. Well, I think we've hit a win-win situation all around, don't you?

Joie de Vive by balphas -- Inception does Good Omens. Arthur is Crowley and Eames is Aziraphale (no, that's not a typo). Kind of. THERE IS FEEDING OF DUCKS.

Shades of Mediocrity by balphas -- The job is over and life goes on. But what kind of life is it? What I loved about this piece was balphas' parallels between post-Inception life, or indeed post-job life, and returning from deployment overseas. The idea what when you come back you have no idea what the fuck is going on. That you can't figure out if you hate this life or that life, or what you think life is supposed to be. Does normal even exist? (I don't think it does).

The Special Porn Section: I want to preface this by saying for the most part I'm not terribly interested in porn for Arthur and Eames. I want stories. I want UST. I want -- well, whatever it is that I fucking want. So, for porn to grab me it's got to be something really fucking special. The sort of thing that afterward you go. Oh. Oh my motherfucking GOD. This week I recommend Hallefuckinglujah by weatherfront (priest!porn. and rosary beads) and les dés sont pipés by franticsga (fingering). Um, bring napkins.

Video of the Week

Like a motherfucking boss, people. I don't even. Just watch it. Don't drink anything.

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recs: inception

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