Friday Recs (The it's 2:30am in Paris edition)

Sep 09, 2010 20:33

First of all, my woman is going to make a movie with my man. In layman's terms: Christina Hendricks has signed on to be in a movie with Ryan Gosling. Directed by Nicholas Winding Refn, i.e. the man who did Bronson. WHAT? WHAT? I can't hear you over the sound of all that awesome.

Second of all, apparently you lot are really digging Something That's Impossible to Ignore. Well, a couple hundred of you are. To celebrate that I'm offering you some music from another of my Baby Daddies (Guy Garvey). Elbow live at Abbey Road. This is just. Oh this is so goddamn stellar. The entire The Seldom Seen Kid album live.

And now. RECS TIMEZ!

Art Recs

I put Art Recs first this week just so I could link you all to this: Float Arthur Float. You will never leave your computer again. See that floating Arthur? See that little red die? Control the floating Arthur by moving the die with your mouse. Yes, seriously. This artist is clearly Einstein. Find this person. Shower them with gifts. Moar. We needs moar.

Stunning Arthur Art by emilyvictoriaartwork -- Okay, the bad news is that the photos here are small. It's depressing. Like I can't see it nearly as well as I'd like, but I can tell that this must be awesome. This is fucking AWESOME. With awesomesauce and rolled in more awesome. Also, bonus Gorillaz art in the author's tumblr. That she painted by her light socket on the wall. WANT. (Full sized art image available thanks to kadiel_krieger)

ETA: Inception My Little Ponies! by aredblush -- DOOD! DOOD! (Thank you wordsalone!)

Fic Recs

here's looking at you by raven_fic -- I have this thing about Casablanca. Actually I have this thing about old classic movies, full stop, and Casablanca is about as classic as it gets. Plus, it's kind of hard not to develop a thing for a movie after you see it in four different languages. I digress. This is Inception's version of Casablanca, but I want to stress here and with the Time Traveler's Wife and Battlestar Galactica fusions (you'll see what I'm talking about), just because you think you know what you're getting it doesn't mean that's what you're actually going to get. Give them all a chance. They are wonderful stories. You'll be the better for giving them a shot.

His Lordship Makes a Match by jibrailis -- While syllic was working on her opus about a knight and a stable boy, jibrailis was working on her opus about a knight and his valet. There was a lot of post checking going on on my part. Do not mistake one for the other. They are both miraculously awesome. And what I loved loved loved about jibrailis's take on this matter is that she had fun with it and you can tell she had fun with it. You can tell when an author loves what they're doing and that's so apparent here. Go on. Read it. Thank me the author after.

i'm not ready to see you this happy by imogenedisease -- I like imogenedisease. I think she's delightful, but we have a problem in our relationship. Her Inception fic is insanely depressing. We're talking "woe and sadness" type business. So I tend to poke at her about this. Where is the fun shit? You wrote Ray Person's Big Gay World, do not tell me you can't make it! So earlier this week she was all, I will show you. I will write something happy. We have to work on her definitions of "happy." Which I told her. And then she turned around and wrote this which is totally her sticking her tongue out at me. And it's utterly glorious. Give me the V-sign again! What's it about? Well, it starts when Arthur gets a boyfriend. And he's not Eames.

The Inescapable Charm of The Countdown by amazingly_me -- This is a fill for an I_K (much better than typing Inception_Kink every five words) prompt where Arthur is a prosecutor and Eames is a defense attorney. A rather amazing one obviously. What I really enjoyed about this is the way it was drawn out, the organic way in which it infused the movie into the prompt, the way that even if not much is going on, something's still going on. I like things like that. I don't need a lot of flash and bang (all the time), but I'm big on substance. Also, I'm big on Saito owning the world. Those two things always work for me.

Jamais Vu by thehoyden -- Oh, thehoyden. I don't feel like y'all need me to tell you how awesome thehoyden's Inception fic is... but I'm going to tell you anyway, because I've never met anybody who didn't want to hear about how awesome their work is. So, how awesome is this story? So awesome, that even if you've read it already, you need to go read it again. NOW. Yusuf is working on a new compound to lower inhibitions, but there's nobody that's more high strung than Arthur. So what happens when Eames goes under with Arthur to get him to relax. And no, it's not like that. It's better. It's everything you never knew you wanted.

Left and Leaving by pyrimidine -- You know what makes me go /o\? When I come up with an idea and I'm like "Oooh, this is awesome. I dunno how this is gonna work, but I want to try this. Eventually. Possibly. Not that I know how this will work." And then pyrimidine comes along and is all "I haz your idea in my head! I'm gonna write it! I wrote it! And it was so much more awesome than anything you could've dreamt up during last orders at the pub." Um, that's my opinion, not hers. Hers is more in line with the awesome "There's plenty for everybody!" Which is something I've always loved about fandom, the shared ideas. But, uh, this is truly better than anything I could've come up with. Inception does The Time Traveler's Wife (a book I love). Go forth and salivate. Offer adoration properly.

like i wanna live now by angelgazing -- So. There is this flannel shirt. And there are contingency plans. And wet Arthur. And sick Arthur. And Eames is just.... sigh. What I loved about this was the simple beauty of it. How happy it made me feel. Inception the movie had plenty of Sturm und Drang, I do not need to finish my stories and feel pissy or angry or cranky. I just don't. That's what RL is for.

London Bridge by sorrynotsorry -- Eames is a stripper. Yeah, no, that's all you need to know. Go on.

or the blood that rose into the silence by addandsubtract/figletofvenice -- Inception does Battlestar Galactica. Breathe. No, for real. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Check for Cylons. Move the mouse. Click the link. Off you go.

PASIV/ACTIV by jibrailis -- You know the "whole X story is more valid than Y story because it is (or isn't) angst/fluff/crack/humor" has always made me violently angry. If you do something and you enjoy it then that is beauty. And you should be proud of it. NEVER malign yourself or someone else because what they're writing isn't what you deem to be "high art." No one died and made you king. And I bring this up, because in her Author's Notes jibrailis said that this story made her concerned because it wasn't necessarily as "meaningful" as her other stories. I very much disagree. I loved this story. It made me laugh, it made me happy, why is it so wrong for a story to make people happy? To bring joy? It isn't. At least I don't think it is. I think every type of story should be appreciated and respected for its merits. Um, yeah. Sorry. Getting off the soapbox now. But before I go... Saito takes the PASIV and makes it more... user-friendly. I'd love one of these.

the pistol of a flower is its only protection against insects; by handsomespeck -- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! SO MUCH LOVE FOR THIS STORY! Arthur is a hitman; Eames is his gardener. Trust me. You trust me right? Trust me.

Secrets that we keep by bauble -- On this story I would like to quote Guns N' Roses the alternative version of 'Don't Cry' I know the things you wanted, they're not what you have. With all the people talkin', it's driving you mad." *Aw, what, you didn't think I could get down like that? HA! You have no idea.

A Stranger I Know Well by snakevsladder -- High School AU. Arthur has a film class. He has to work on his assignment with Eames. They decide to make a film trailer. About a con man.

Three Weeks by bauble -- Eames and Arthur have been together for twenty-one days. Someone is getting itchy. I could just see this so clearly. I know this behaviour. Sometimes people just are this way.

Untitled Inception Daycare AU by amazingly_me -- It's an inception_kink fill which means it's dismayingly short, but oh my god, y'all, Go ask the author, maybe she'll write more. Yusuf has a day care center. Saito likes to buy pudding and sell graham crackers. Ariadne builds gravity defying Lego towers and Arthur and Eames... well. Go see for yourself. andrealyn this is relevant to our joint interest!

And. Before we go. A present. You know that video of Joe covering Bad Romance? (I feel like you know what I'm talking about.) Well, before there was Gaga...there was Madonna. Here is Joe covering one of my favorite Madonna songs ever back in 2007. Yes, you are welcome. Yes, I think you are fabulous too. Now off you go.

Appreciate the authors and artists. Appreciate the Joe. Show them love. They are more than worthy. ♥

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Say thank you to kismeteve for the video.

inception (is smarter than you), recs: inception

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