Friday Recs (Art is My BFF - The Deluxe Edition)

Sep 02, 2010 21:44

So. I hope y'all didn't have any plans for the next day or two, cause uh ::looks at list:: good luck with that.

It's been a long ass time since I've been in a big fandom (we're talking like HP or something). I'd forgotten all the things that come with that (the good, the bad, the ugly, the sheer WTF?). But one of the undeniable joys of a large fandom is the art. There is art everywhere, everybody interpreting, going a different way to see the same thing. So this week, we are saluting you, the artists. Even if we don't know who the fuck you are, we are saluting you anyway. So, this week, art on top fic on the bottom courtesy of Inception fandom's artists, Fuck Yeah Inception and bronson who is running Fuck Yeah, All Ships (<-- check'em out kids. Support your local pimps) and of course, all of you awesome people.

Art Recs

Adorable by Pixiv Artist Unknown -- This has wee!Eames. There are other things going on, but Wee!Eames is my Kryptonite. Nuff said.

Arthur by Artist Unknown -- One of the things I appreciate the most about art is its interpretive nature. Something may not exactly look like the source, but when you see it you know exactly what it is. When I look at this art I don't necessarily see Joe, but I definitely see Arthur. Also, the shading and coloring here are wicked awesome. Hi five, artist!

Arthur (in ink) by iamhoya -- Another solo Arthur piece. I feel like you guys have some preferences here. This has got to be the most realistic JGL I've ever seen. It's just amazing.

Arthur's Training Day Log #1 by Osaka-Reaper -- Arthur runs out of cookies. Yeah, I know, try not to cry, people, I know how you lot get. Thankfully, Eames is there to get him more.

Art for Dreams are for Rookies by innueneko -- This art is based off of foxxcub's awesome story Dreams are for Rookies. I assume everybody's read that, if not, I don't even know what to do with you, go read it now and then come back and look at this awesome ass art. There's something about the rawness of the lines here that I just adore. And it's Arthur in glasses. And then there's Eames' hand. Yes, his hand. You will see.

Exit by Remy -- Legs. Suits. Kissing. Even the stairwell is sexy in this piece. I don't even know what you people have done to me at this point.

Fireman!Arthur and Morning Lullabies by johanirae -- Inspired by stories from pyramidine and therandomgirlie. I love the shading in johanirae's art. You can see the joy she gets from drawing, the attention to detail. Plus, she's just an incredibly sweet person, and you know, that never goes out of style.

Half of a whole by lamamama -- So. Mal & Ariadne. Excuse me Mal/Ariadne. I had briefly wondered at such a thing, and then I thought, hackthis get some air, you're losing the plot. And then I saw this and thought, ha! I'm not the only one.

Robert & Saito by heymyjojo -- I ship Robert/Saito. Why are more people not shipping this? Y'all are making me depressed over here. They would be so pretty! All that pretty naked. And sweaty and like sliding together in really nice sheets. In an apartment with floor to ceiling windows with the lights from Tokyo illuminating them? Dear god, is it hot in here? I'll be over there

Trepanation Party and Dog Days Are Over by slanted_edges -- I don't know what's more impressive, the attention to detail here or the colors. The colors here are fucking stunning. It's a watercolor and everything about both of these pieces is so alive it's just like, well... well shit. Go on slanted_edges bring your A-Game!

Fic Recs:

A Fool From Any Direction by syllic -- FINALLY. FINALLY. We have the last piece of a WIP I'm pretty sure everybody and their nana's has been following with baited breath. syllic took a prompt: Eames is a knight, and Arthur is a stable boy and ran a fucking marathon with it. This story is by turns charming, alarming and just flat out awesome personified. For the two of you who've never heard of it, READ IT, and for those of you who've been waiting for the end. It's been finished and claimed by its rightful author.

Can You Picture That? by ifeelbetter -- Eames is a camera whore.(Which is not really shocking considering what he looks like. I mean have y'all looked at that man? Really really looked. What's that? Oh, right, you saw the movie too. Well then, you know.) I got distracted. Eames is a camera whore and Arthur likes to collect the evidence. You know, just in case. And then there are folders. And a filing system.

Love You Much Better by andrealyn and You're waiting for an orgasm by anonymous, but, uh, I'm going with weatherfront on this one -- Fuck or Die has come to Inception-land and these two are going to set the standard for it. In the first Eames is the recipient of quite a bit of attention and in the latter it's Arthur's turn. They are both full of awesome humor, some rather inventive sex (paradoxical orgasms! architect attacks!) and are just incredibly engaging. Read. Enjoy. Love the authors.

Maybe Arthur by smallacts/liketheroad -- Okay, I knew like one section in that I was going to be recommending this story. That's right people, one section in. And why's that? Tsingtao! I love Tsingtao! You don't even know. It's a Chinese beer for the initiated, but that little detail just said to me, "hackthis you are going to love this story" and so I did. Not because of the Tsingtao, but because Arthur is a real man. He sweats and is messy and has clothes with holes. He is not a robot. He is not perfect, he is not overly obsessive, he's anal, sure, but there is so much more to him than suits and ties and slick hair and that is what I love about him. What I love about writing in general. Finding what makes somebody real, what makes the connection and in this story smallacts delivers. Oh, what's it actually about you say? It's about... it's about being a friend, and what makes somebody a friend, and what possibly moves you into something more. Seduction comes in all forms.

No Fortress Against Her Remains by jibrailis -- Long before Mal met Dom, she met Arthur. This story takes a basic premise, slits it down the middle and guts it in front of you. It's utterly stunning. Oh, and then there's the Baudelaire tie-in, where I was like "Ha! Somebody else thought that too! Hi five!"

OH&S by fahye -- Sometimes, when you know a lot about something you like to share your information. Yusuf knows a lot about the PASIV device. It would be nice if people would fucking listen to him about it. I love the hell out of Yusuf and try to include him whenever possible, but fahye has taken that to the next level. In this fic, Yusuf is the boss, Saito is buying the world to woo Ariadne, and Eames and Arthur... are Eames and Arthur. Read it. Shower her with adoration. It is well deserved.

the stain in the carpet, this drink in my hand by dontleaveiton -- I'd like to subtitle this story Better Courting Through High End Furniture and Interior Decorating. It's just utterly charming. Be prepared to fawn.

Suspension Bridge, op. 4 by chibi_lurrel -- You know what's real treacherous? When people you are already susceptible to start saying "Hey, dude, read this. No, for real, read this." pyramidine pulled this shit last week. Heifer. (I say that with love though). Anyway, she recced this and I read it and all I could think was, "Hot damn!" It's a fill for the following prompt: 4 times Arthur & Eames accidentally forgot they weren't in a dream anymore and almost shot each other in the face during an argument, and 1 time one of them actually did Inorite!

Warm Light of Morning by cmonkatiekatie -- As I told cmonkatiekatie I love the realism of this piece. It's the sort of story where nothing is happening, because everything is happening, and then one day you look up and you're like, "I quite like you, when did that happen?"

Like the story, feed the author. Everybody likes to hear they did a good job

inception (is smarter than you), recs: inception

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