Friday Recs

Aug 13, 2010 08:31

hackthis' Song of the Moment: Jason Derulo's 'Ridin' Solo'

You don't understand: I have an unhealthy attachment to this song, but I don't care.

image Click to view

This song is so goddamn catchy I may never recover. Have a copy

Runner up: Janelle Monae's 'Cold War.' Get it.

Inception Recs (Eames/Arthur unless otherwise noted)

In alphabetical order:

Back Against the Wall by ashinan -- Angry!sex is not one of my kinks but Jealous!Arthur that leads to Angry!sex? Uh, the words "fuck yes" immediately spring to mind. This is seriously scald-your-eyeballs hot.

fire favored by andrealyn -- Ten words: Inception Mutant!AU. Arthur is a firestarter. Eames is a shapeshifter. INORITE!

five times eames was (shockingly) a gentleman by deepsix -- I first found this via the inception_kink comm, but the author was anonymous, which drove me crazy. Why do y'all tease me with this anonymous shit? How am I supposed to praise you properly if I don't know your name! Bah. Thankfully, deepsix stepped up and took ownership of the awesome contained herein. And y'all, it is awesome. The story is fairly self-explanatory from the title, but I just adore Eames here. I adore Eames anywhere, but especially here, because of his restraint and his desire to do shit right.

Inception_Kink Fill: Eames woos Arthur with poetry by handsomespeck -- I think the Request says it all "Eames. Poetry." It's short but classic. <3 Eames

Inception_Kink Fill: M from James Bond as Eames' mother by pyrimidine -- Do I even need to tell you to read this? Do you see what this prompt is? Exactly. And it was written by Moneyfolder. THIS SHIT IS MONEY IN THE FUCKING BANK. No, seriously, like I may have spontanously combusted. Tell her to write more. Beg. Invegle. Offer children, kittens, goats, virgins if there are any left, because if she doesn't write more I'm going to be very very very sad.

If You're Just Playing Along, I Promise We'll Be Fine by foxxcub -- A point man and a forger walk into a bar...oh, wait, wrong story. A point man and a forger get drunk in a bar and it's adorable and involves PDA and posessive!Arthur. Yeah, FTW.

Prison Bars and Snail Shells by ifeelbetter -- Arthur goes to prison. Like you do. Eames is not down with this turn of events. And then he does his best Houdini and it's like the most fabulous thing ever. There is vomiting of keys! What? Does that not make you gleeful too? Infidel.

Sort of Revolution by pyrimidine -- Arthur is not a morning person. Eames accomodates him. Bless.

tonight I'm a hurricane by sabinelagrande -- Arthur and Eames... and Ariadne. maurheti said, "It's hot." I said, "Can't be that hot." She said, "Yeah, it is." I said, "Fine, I will read it." And then I had to lie down in the walk-in freezer for an hour or two.

Two Steps Towards Make Believe by ifeelbetter -- If you don't know what it is to suffer from insomnia, consider yourself lucky. And no, that one time you only slept five hours instead of eight doesn't count. Arthur doesn't sleep, hasn't slept in years (which believe me is possible), but when he gets near Eames. Well. I reckon Eames can fix anything.

we walk the same path (but got on different shoes) by lastling -- Eames is an assassin; Arthur is a handler. IT'S LIKE THIS FIC WAS MADE FOR MY KINKS. Seriously. Or as I told the author, "Well, that was delightful as hell, holy shit.." Seriously, if this doesn't leave you grinning from ear to ear I don't even know what to do with you, like for real, go sit in the corner for twenty minutes.

When No One is Around You by moonythestrals. Okay this is a story about Eames' first name. And Arthur's last name. Or Arthur's first name. What you never considered that 'Arthur' is his surname? C'mon, now. Anyway, this story should be read for that idea alone, but to me that's incidental to what's really important about this story. Two words: Wee Eames. Exactly. Off you go now.

If you enjoy the stories, please let the authors know. Authors need love and support and water to grow.

inception (is smarter than you), recs: inception, recs: misc

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