1. A few weeks ago I mentioned that my hotass girlfriend, Christina Hendricks, was in the new Broken Bells video.
Y'all it's so depressing. And a big ode to Firefly I would guess. Still the hottest in the land. Especially when
she's teasing Elizabeth Moss.
2. Thank you
alethialia and
inmyriadbits for my footballs!
Speaking of football...
3. Americans, are you sober yet, because I know yesterday's match left a lot of people looking for the worm at the bottom of the bottle of Mezcal?
I have to admit when the game started I was happy for both sides. I was totally willing to see Ghana win. And then they won and I was so sad! My poor babies! Tim Howard! Benny Feilhaber! Michael Bradley, I was so willing to be your cougar.
People, if there is no consolation sex between Landon Donovan and Clint Dempsey after this I will lose my faith in the entire world. Seriously. Clint kept getting smacked in the mouth and when it was over all those tears. C'mon, you know there has to be consolation we'll get'em next time fucking.
3 1/2. Alexi Lalas. Keep being awesome, because holy shit that dude you are working with is a dumbass.
4. Dear England,
This morning the following conversation transpired while you were playing:
Person X: Who's playing
Me: Germany v England
X: How's it going?
Me: Germany totally has England over its knee.
X: Wow... I have not heard that expression before.
Me: Yes, but it's still fitting.
And I was talking about when the score was only 2-0!
All due respect, but Alexi was right, y'all are not as good as your paychecks and egos think you are.
5. Walton Goggins (Boyd Crowder, people!) is going to be playing a criminal in
Predators, the film. This film also has Larry Fishburne, Adrian Brody. Huh.
5 1/2. And then there is also
Inception, which was written and directed by the most awesome Chris Nolan. It stars Ellen Page (!), Joseph Gordon Levitt (!!!!!) and Cillian Murphy (!!!!!!!). It also has Leo DiCaprio, but I don't like him so whatevercakes.
6. Back to football for a minute. Maradona, your team, they are bad fucking ass, no doubt. BUT. Have y'all thought of coming out of the 80s and cutting your mullets and other various offensive hair styles? I'm just saying.
7. I was gonna give y'all some music today (It's gonna be all All Female Mix), but I'm a bit knackered, so I'll hook you up later this week.
no_detective and
scribblinlenore I heard my first Adam Lambert song this weekend and thought of you. I can hear people gasping in shock*, I know what came over me, but I was forced to listen to the radio (which I avoid like Fox and Friends) and "What Do You Want From Me" came on and it was not bad.
*I do not do the radio or American Idol or pretty much anything owned by Mega Corporation or Simon Cowell or Clear Channel. That's how's it possible to avoid these things.