see what had happened was...

May 06, 2010 10:59

1. According to southland_TV you can get a FREE copy of Ben McKenzie's new movie "Johnny Got His Gun" for your high school. Um, this may be the only time I've wished I was back in high school. Is it January yet? I can haz new Southland now?

2. The World Cup begins in 36 days. Not that I am super duper excited or anything... OMG is it June 11th yet? Ahem. So, in anticipation, like, apparently sparky77 has gotten into football. No, really, she's exploring the RPS side. Go on. Support her education. Convert her to the cause. Tell her exactly what she can expect next month. More of that, plus, you know, some nudity, sex, violence, sweatiness and groping. I don't understand how more people inside the US don't love football with an unholy passion (and by that I mean the real football, not that American thing where bruisers wrap themselves in toilet paper padding).

3. Dearslodwick: Yes. Hottest First Lady Ever.

4. Dear moneyfolder. I have listened to Tanlines 'Real Life.' I approve.

5. Dear pinkfinity. Both Ari and I appreciate your patience. We're going to get there. Before the end of the year. By Hanukkah at the latest!

6. Dear flist: The Washington Post is doing a series of blogs called Impact of War about how the war(s) have affected the US from the point of the currently serving, the veterans, their families, their advocates and people who actually give a fuck. If you are at all interested in following it, I created a feed for maurheti called doyougiveafuck?

7. Did you lot know that George Clooney has a new movie coming out where he's an assassin and why did nobody tell me about it, because Assassin!George?! *swoon*

8. I cannot believe Sade is 51. FIFTY-ONE?! Most people don't look that good at 21! It's Dorian Grey syndrome!

9. Yesterday sparky77 and I had a conversation about Zack Quinto, Matt Bomer and Lee Pace. I would not call myself a fan of any of these gentlemen (even though Lee was *amazing* in Soldier's Girl (for real, see that)) and the conversation only ensued because the people in my life have this bothersome habit of luring me into writing stuff for them about people I don't even like. For real.

sparky77: Zachary Quinto, Matt Bomer, and Joel Mchale are all going to be in the same movie together.
hackthis: If you're happy, I'm happy.
sparky77: I just approve of the Matt Bomer and Zachary Quinto friendship because I like the fact that they've stayed friends. There totally needs to be RPS about the Gay Texas Mafia of Hollywood.
hackthis: That's the Pink Mafia to you, and you can have them doing things that only people from Texas do. I do not know anybody from Texas, or I would help you. Also, Zack Quinto is from Texas?
sparky77: I think so. He went to school with Matt Bomer and I swear he's from texas too. Maybe I'm making that part up. Whatever. In my world, he's from Texas.
hackthis: [does some recon] I didn't think he was from Tejas with that accent, he was born in Pittsburgh. PA. He... ah ha! That's what I thought. He and Matt Bomer went to Carnegie Mellon together. You can write RPS where Matt takes Zach to Texas on vacation though. *pauses* you could make your own super pairing like I do! Zach Quinto and Matt Bomer. They were college fuck buddies and then 10 years later they're living the life in L.A. What? I am being helpful! Do not look at me like that.
hackthis: Shut up. Matt Bomer went to school with Lee Pace. Does he just have the gay mojo that attracts other gays?
sparky77: I really want to know about Matt, Lee, and Zach's school shenanigans
hackthis: No, Lee and Matt went to high school together. Matt and Zach went to college together. Also, Lee is very tall, so clearly Lee lost his virginity to Matt. No, I don't know how the tallness has any correlation to virginity but I felt like it should. Also, I think Lee was kind of gangly and Matt, you know, Matt's Matt and...he liked how uncoordinated Lee was. And then there was graduation.

(Why am I even doing IMDB research here to pretend this has some reality, thank you slodwick).

Did you know Lee spent his early years in the Middle East? His dad's an *oilman*. So, Lee was rich AND awkward. For real? What's in the water in Texas (Ben McKenzie, Lee Pace, Eric Ladin, Matt Boomer)?

Anyway, graduation happened. Lee stayed in Houston to do acting (he and Matt were part of the same acting company), Matt went to Pittsburgh where he met Zach at Freshman Orientation.

I think Matt was used to being like, the coolest and the prettiest, Zach on the other hand, was weird and quirky and had eyebrows like catepillars and didn't give a shit. Matt liked him the minute he met him.
sparky77: Tell me more
hackthis: I have no more ideas. Um, the end.

And I post all of this to say that you should all go urge sparky77 to write the super pairing of Zach Quinto/Matt Bomer because I'd like to read about it and she clearly has Texas knowhow that I am lacking, which makes this her baby.

this is your war too

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