Like the blind man, in the dark room, looking for the black cat... that isn't there

Apr 25, 2010 11:35

While in conversation with lazlet and maurheti about the second episode of Doctor Who featuring Eleven something profound occurred to me:

The sonic screwdriver looks like a penis.

So, basically, Doctor Who is a show about a white man that goes around the universe saving various inhabitants with his giant glowing penis.

I'll repeat that: Doctor Who is a show a man created about another man and his healing cock.


Oh, wait, that's like the story of colonization history, innit?

(Poke would fucking love this shit.)

Also, I saw The Losers the other day and my thoughts can be summed up like so:

Clay + Roque = HOTASS ANGRY SEX (Obviously before Roque turned on the team) (I would like to read about this immediately)

Clay + Aisha = HOTASS ANGRY SEX (that I would like to read about immediately)

Jensen + Pooch = adorable hetero-lifemates (that I would like to read about immediately)

Is anybody gonna write this stuff? PLEASE?!

In other news... anybody got a story that they'd like to recommend to me that they think I might like? The last time I wanted something with lots of explosions and violence and was forced to write my own, I am not trying to go down that road again.

I was thinking the other day about my past fandoms (there are quite a few) and how far I've come with my writing. There are a few stories that after all this time I still quite like. They're not going to change anybody's world, but I'm still really happy to have written:

1. Square One. Smallville. Written during Lex's time at Belle Reeve in S2. This story was like pulling fingernails out while I wrote it, but I still think well of it six years later.

2. I See Monsters (That's When I Reach for my Revolver) a Neville/Theodore story based on the video viðrar vel til loftárása by Sigur Ros. Five years later I still have soft spot for this pairing, especially since Matthew Lewis has turned out to be nineteen thousand times hotter than Dan Radcliffe (ha!). I win \o/

3. Telegraph Avenue. The O.C. Yeah, I know. But it's the very first story I ever wrote longer than 30 pages, and let me tell you, the first time you realize you can actually do that and the world won't fall apart? BIG FUCKING DEAL.

4. The Way I Was Made, which is a Smallville/Superman Returns/Teen Titans fusion that has the distinction of being the very first story I wrote that was a) over 60 pages and b) written all at one time and not in chapters (unlike TA). It took me a month. Longest month ever. (In comparison, I wrote both Son is on a Midnight Run and Get Some in a week. Actually Son only took a week including beta. Yeah, my betas got it like that.)

With a Special Award to The Incredibly True Adventures of Four Stars, Two Actors In Love, and One Gay Landmark. There are a lot of schools of thought about RPS. I subscribe to the "as long as it doesn't hurt anybody, I don't care" school of thought. And this story was the very first time I realized not only that RPS is damn fun (and not all emo LOTRips) but that, holy shit, real life is way more hysterical than anything I could dream up. Thank you Ari, George, Brad (I was touched in the head) and Jake (who I *still* don't like).

eleven? eleven!

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