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wordsalone March 10 2010, 04:50:15 UTC
201: Lydia and Russ. Yeah, Russ could be a dick sometimes but they were partners for 8 years. That's a relationship. You take the good and the bad. Plus, if they didn't get their shit done, they probably wouldn't have worked together for so long. Despite the issues, they made a good team and you just don't get over that. I saw a LOT of comments where people seemed really confused that Lydia was so upset but I thought it worked.

202: Is it wrong that even when people were dying, I kept thinking, "JFC, his ARMS!"? It happened a lot with both Cooper and Ben. I'm really enjoying their partnership. They remind me of a little married couple. Now they just need to start hanging outside of work so that my brain can go to even naughtier places.

Agreed on the new!Olivia front. I don't like this change. Also, I was pretty excited to see Tammi at first. There's usually a part of me that enjoys her crazy but this time, I was just annoyed.

Kevin's character is Nate Moretta. <3

Oh and I loved that they had the balls to actually kill a kid and show it. Though the blurred out body of the third victim bothered me. It sort of took me out of the moment for a bit. I think they could have just shot around it.

I think my favorite scene of the entire show (even though it didn't completely fit) was the one with Det. Salinger breaking into his daughter's bedroom. My dad has done things like that to me before. Crazy cops are crazy.


hackthis March 10 2010, 06:17:59 UTC
201: Lydia and Russ. Yeah, Russ could be a dick sometimes but they were partners for 8 years. That's a relationship. You take the good and the bad. Plus, if they didn't get their shit done, they probably wouldn't have worked together for so long. Despite the issues, they made a good team and you just don't get over that. I saw a LOT of comments where people seemed really confused that Lydia was so upset but I thought it worked.

What you said, yes. Also, word to the bit about the Arm!Porn (as maurheti calls) and thanks for the Nate thing. I just keep seeing him and thinking hotass!Kevin Alejandro with that nasty facial public hair. (Really, it needs to go).

It's clear that the theme for tonight's episode was daughters. I got that, but Salinger... your dad did that? Uh huh.


wordsalone March 10 2010, 12:49:23 UTC
I hate the facial hair. Has it grown more since 201? It could be a result of the undercover thing they're working. My dad did one of those for a few years and his beard went wild.

He did. It was in the evening but not late at night and I walked into my bedroom and there was someone climbing in. I didn't realize it was him...I think I grabbed a boot and waited. Then I saw him and was totally confused. He was pissed that I left the window open. We'd been getting them replaced and the new set didn't have screens, which was double the offense in his mind. He's weird.


hackthis March 10 2010, 23:55:18 UTC
No, scruff is allowed, what Nate has on his face is some sort of scuplted nonsense. It makes me want to call the gardner and take a weed whacker to it.


blueandomlettes March 10 2010, 07:19:21 UTC
About the blurred face of the dead kid, I think it works cause the show is faux documentary and they've been bleeping out curses since the beginning. I think this was just in that theme.


wordsalone March 10 2010, 12:45:17 UTC
I remember them doing that during the first season a few times, but I haven't seen it in a while (unless it was in 201 and I missed it?), so it surprised me.

If I had directed it, I would have stuck with the closeups of certain body parts. The wrist being tied up. Maybe a bruised leg. A bit of the victim's face.

But you're right about the faux doc stuff. <3


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