1. Dear Pat Roberson,
Take a history lesson. If the Haitians hadn't 'made a deal with the devil' as you so put it, America wouldn't be here today. I understand that the idea of a slave revolt leading to a free nation hurts your soul, but, uh, yeah, NO. Ass.
Big ups to The Haitian Ambassador, Rachel Maddow and
serialkarma ETA: What The Young Turks Said
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So thank you for this... and your wonderful stories.
Now, for the charity thing... I've never done that so I'll probably sound clueless but how does that work? I'm bringing my checkbook at work tomorrow to give a cheque to one of our firm's lawyers (Haitian) who will bring them to the "Jeune chambre de commerce haitienne" Friday night... The cheque will be for the "Canadian Red Cross - Haiti" and $100 (Canadian dollars)... does that constitute a bid? If so, I guess I post this to the entry you linked above but how would you know the winning bid is actually honoured? I mean I can make the cheque AND a photocopy of it but until I get my official income tax receipt I would have no other proof of its existence...
anyway... I'm just wondering... (must say I'd love to read the Nate is the RS reporter... that could be quite interesting a twist!).
b) I do not know the answer to your question, so I have passed it along to pinkinfinity who is moderating help_haiti.
c) It occurs to me I may have painted myself into a corner with Rolling Stone!Nate as I'm not sure I could deliver that. But, if you are the winning bidder, we can discuss that when the time comes :)
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