Oct 08, 2009 20:04

They've canceled Southland. Before they've even aired any of the episodes they shot for Season 2. Apparently it's too dark and gritty. In short, too smart and real for network TV. Not enough fluff, bullshit, fake tits and bad acting.

I knew this shit was coming. I could smell it when they pushed the premiere date back to October (give it more press, MY ASS), but to not even broadcast any of it. At all. I just -- YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO AT LEAST AIR A FEW EPISODES AND PRETEND ASSHOLES.

All fail NBC. Even now that Ben Silverman is gone.

Fuck, I am genuinely depressed. I don't even...

ETA: Michael has posted some numbers you can call here at the NBC comments line (212-664-2333 -- if the mailbox is full press '0' for the operator and she'll direct you somewhere else) and southland_tv has some execs phone numbers that you can call too. And a twitter. Please call, fill their mailboxes. Let them know this decision is bad, but DON'T BE RUDE. Just, you know, let them know you're disappointed, that you don't approve and think they're making a mistake. Because they are.


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