Generation Kill is love.

Sep 01, 2009 08:14

You know what I love about Generation Kill fandom? Oh, like, fucking everything. I mean I happen to think I have one of the most awesome, giving flists ever. So, if I have the best flist ever, then I also happen to think that Generation Kill is my best fandom ever. It's small (which I prefer), the writing quality is amazingly high (which is awesome) and because we're all really really really happy to be here, we tend to support each other tremendously. We cheerlead a lot. We will cheer for you if you write, if you draw, if you can string together a coherent phrase. We will even cheer for your ass for contributing ideas and then taking nine months to turn them out. (See Get Some for proof of this).

For further proof of GK's awesome, I submit to you the following recommendations.

#1 -- tevere's Sixteen Days in September, which is an AU story about Nate as a Peace Corps volunteer. But, I'm going to tell you now that that has nothing to do with the story. It's incidental, because this story is about the United Nations and the independence of East Timor from Indonesia. This story is about politics and warfare. IMO, there are Generation Kill characters (personas?) involved but this is not really a GK story, this story is about what happened in Rwanda and Somalia and every third-world nation where, if there's not oil involved, the UN just sort of sits around with its thumb up its ass. This is not an easy story. It is not light. You will not feel better afterwards -- but you will feel enlightened. And then you will be in desperate need of the following…

#2 -- Last week was romanticalgirl's birthday. You might've heard me talk about it once or twice (or three times).

Well, last night alethialia posted This Close to the Real Thing, which she wrote for L's birthday based off of her prompts for the Porn Skirmish, and let me tell you, she got all the good ones: wet dreams, sex toys, dirty talk. I would especially pay attention to the wet dreams part of the equation, since at one point I was threatening her with an injunction on Brad's behalf. It has been too long since the world was graced with an A story. You could tell her that too.

#3 -- And then, once you are done there, I want you all to go and encourage snglesrvngfrend as much as humanly possible because her GK debut Mistakes We Knew We Were Making forced me to climb in the freezer for at least ten minutes. An AU about a Nate who never quite made it to the Marines, but who knows better than to sleep with them… right until he meets Brad. Yeah, Brad is universal like that.

And last but never ever ever least

#4 -- romanticalgirl wrote Johnny Walker Wisdom, which I am totally biased over, because she wrote it for ME! ME! ME! And it features Drunk!Nate, who perhaps is the most adorable drunk you will ever have the fortune to run across. This story is also about the effect of Drunken!Nate on Brad, which is pretty much like causing the collapse of an entire house by pulling out one brick. I just love L's writing madly.

And yes, I do admit to being biased regarding, like, one or two, or all of these stories, but, um, that doesn't mean you shouldn't read them. I'm just saying. You all know how picky I am, would I steer you wrong?

ETA: And! And! Daddy's home from vacation Ahem. I mean tomricks is back for all your military based/war insanity intelligensia, doing the real job the rest of the media just won't do. [plays Eminem's 'Without Me']

recs: generation kill

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