These are a few of my favorite things.

Jul 21, 2009 09:37

There was no porn in my inbox this morning. That's... that's sad people. What the hell?

Last week, Michael Cudlitz and Ben McKenzie went to the race track to get ready for the start of S2 Southland filming. ROWR. Yesterday, they went to the gun range. Michael. Ben. I, um, this needs porn.

(Yes, Southland is coming back. It has not been cancelled. PLEASE. If you enjoyed Son is on a Midnight Run Like DeNiro at all, watch this series when it airs in the fall.

Michael says I am required to bring him 1 million viewers. Come here and tell me you are watching, so I can add you to my quota. With romanticalgirl, sparky77 and myself I only need... 999,997 more!). ETA: That's another five. Twelve Eighteen! Come guys, only 999,982 left!

c. Brian Williams: I'm Mark Sanford
Jon Stewart: Am I your wife or your mistress?

Yes, It's true. I totally fucking ship Brian Williams/Jon Stewart. I am not ashamed to admit this. They'd probably admit it, too.

kaneko wrote an absolutely gorgeous Generation Kill story, Tourists. There's something so compelling about the way kaneko writes Brad and Nate. She manages to transport you into her world with just a few sentences, make you feel everything acutely without overselling anything. Everything she does just feels so damn natural. Encourage her, people. Your fandom requires this.

recs: generation kill, southland

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