Now there's a POV.

May 12, 2009 12:06

Dear Generation Kill people:

I don't know if the name Tom Ricks [1] rings any bells, but it should, because he's the WSJ [2] war correspondent that pretty much convinced Nate (yes, that Nate) to join the Marines [3]. Anyway, Tom writes this blog called The Best Defense [4], which I've been reading for a while, because I like listening to educated people talk about the shit they're educated about and have experience with, which is not the same as listening to some ignorant blowhard tell you about his "theories". [5]

Today, Tom had a post about Obama rescinding 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' and how he definitely thinks it's going to happen (GO TEAM BARACK!), but what really caught my attention was the last line of Tom's blog, which is this: The funny thing is, I am pretty sure I have met many openly gay people in the military.

And I read that, and you know, it makes you wonder. Because if I trust Tom Ricks about anything it's military policy, and if he's saying it's not all as under the covers as they're making it out to be... how would that play out, for, oh, say Nate*. Or Brad.

*FYI: Ricks is also a member of Harvard's Senior Advisory Council on the Project on U.S. Civil-Military Relations. How much do we want to bet that Nate's on there in some capacity?

[1] Tom Ricks
[2]Wall Street Journal
[3]Nate says so in One Bullet Away
[4] I've also created a feed tomricks, because I like making my life easier.
[5] But that's a story for another day.

this is your war too, wait -- i'm having a thought

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