Southland for the Motherfucking WIN *\o/*

Apr 24, 2009 09:27

So. Southland. Best network show this year or best network show this year? Seriously, it's very hard to watch this show at the same time I'm supposed to be decompressing for bed because then I get all excited by Cooper just BREATHING.

I've been on line for about 20 minutes and am currently involved in two conversations and a txt message babble about last night's episode.



C) If Cooper wanted to try marriage again, he could try with me. I liked his wife automatically, and I highly doubt that she's the one who ended it. I think he decided he just couldn't do it anymore. Oh, Cooper. *pets* ETA: Upon some convo with serialkarma I have reversed this opinion and now think Cooper's wife ended it, and basically told him "I love you, but you're gay" and he was all "Am not!" And she just was like "I'm not arguing this point. You are. Sort yourself out. This doesn't mean I don't love you, but it's not happening." And so that kind of forced him to go to therapy.

d) All that back-story kind of had me hugging the TV every five minutes. Cooper was married. He hurt his back. Ben's got a sister named Olivia. Fucked up families. Cooper being a cop or digging a ditch. They only get $30k? The hell?! And then there was Ben and his asshole dad. When he walked out, I immediately decided that he went to Cooper's where Cooper was all hopped up on his drugs, and they drank and then Ben fell asleep on Cooper's sofa and Cooper put a blanket on him. In the morning, Ben makes Cooper eggs.

e) I have so much stuff I want to write for this series. It's just... everything so damn intense all the time. I get that same vibe I get from GK, which is that everything's so damn intense all I want to do is write them happy. Which you know, not much happiness on the show. Then again my writing is taking five. I miss it, but I understand.

f) Not enough Adams.

g) I hate the C. Thomas Howell character, and I really think his partner needs to get a new partner and when he called in a panic, I really thought they'd shot somebody by accident. And yet, Tom Sizemore was perfect casting.

h) So, Tom Everett Scott I don't know the name of your character, but I was damn shocked to find out you were hitched the way you were up on Kristen Datillo. I remember when she was all NBC IT Girl, she's had wayyyy too much work done. Anyway, Tom, you were so flirting with her, I mean damn! No wonder Adams was giving you The Suspect Eye

i) Cooper and the way he treated the transvestite shop owners. You couldn't have played that more beautifully Michael Cudlitz. You win. You so fucking win. And so do the writers, well fucking done, y'all.

In conclusion: SOUTHLAND BITCHES!!!

I wish that every week was Cooper and Ben week, with special awesomeness by Regina King. Oh, wait, it kinda is!

I am very sorry to hear that NBC is doing an NBC(or a FOX, depending) and just yanking Kings from the schedule. Supposedly until June. Yeah, whatever. Fail Ben Silverman, but then again, that's all you do anyway.

ETA: CRAP! My bad about the cut tag SNAFU, folks! Hey, does anybody have a copy of The Frames 'For the Birds' CD they'd like to share with me?


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