What's all this decent network telly business?

Apr 10, 2009 09:39

Dear Southland,

You made Bull Randleman gay?!!


Seriously, when I saw Bull in the bar, in his tight black tee shirt (nice guns, Michael Cudlitz!), drinking that piss, err Corona, and the second I saw Crusing!Man next to him, something pinged about what I'd heard about the series and my brain was like, "Oh, sweet baby Jesus, Bull is gay. They went there. WOW."

Show, please do not be leaving like Kings, which was supposed to be in your time slot, but you are clearly for the investment.

Also, Ryan, err, Ben, um, so Ben Mckenzie, is it just weird to share your first name with your character? Oh, who cares, you haven't aged a fucking day, and that line about Ferrari guy getting your lawyer dad to get him off? PRICELESS! *high five Southland writers*

Double high five for Ben taking a Black Studies class!

Triple high five for Regina King (227 in the house!)!

And some other stuff happened, but I couldn't tell you what, because Bull, Ben and Regina for the WIN! Real acting hooray! *\o/*

I swear I am not thinking of the story where Ryan and Seth had a horrible messy break up -- Seth always was a selfish wanker -- and so Ryan left and joined the LAPD and then he gets partnered with Bull and there is stupidly hot, filthy sex in the back of the squad car.

Okay, I lied. I NEED THAT STORY.


Seriously, people, watch this show!


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