You need to be scooping this up with both hands

Mar 15, 2009 21:08

Dear Kings,

Oh, baby. You and me. You may not be as gay as Merlin, but you clearly have great aspirations and the acting here is definitely for the motherfucking win. Plus, you have a "message" and you seem very smaht. You know all my buttons, don't you? I have The Itch in my special writing place, and we all know what that means.

Dear Ian McShane,

I loved you in Deadwood, but hated Deadwood. You in this is motherfucking fannish manna from heaven. You are just rocking the hell out of every scene.

Will you make me some eggs? I like'em hard.

Dear Jack,

You are the love child of Chuck Bass and Dan Humphrey. Your mouth is made to suck cock, which you clearly prefer, so it's okay. And yet, I do not like you. Maybe it's the actor, maybe it's the characterization. I am not convinced at all.

Also, calling David 'The Cocker Spaniel'?? I suspect the 'cock' part here is key.

Dear Said from Oz Reverend Samuels,

Uh, are you and David supposed to have chemistry like that? I am pretty fucking sure there was not this sort of mackage elsewhere. I approve in a very fucking wrong way.

Dear David,

AWWWWWWWWWWW! *squishes*

Dear David's brother Eli,

I like you, you seem like you're fun. I am TOTALLY not having some crazy Kings/GK fusion idea. ETA: They killed ELI?! FAIL!!!

Dear Casting Director,

I see you like those HBO actors. I know some boys from this awesome miniseries, Generation Kill? They could use some work. Holla! ETA#2: lazlet just pointed out that Eli was IN GK, (#7 'Bomb in the Garden') as that Recon friend of Brad's that came up with the Delta idiots with the bullhorns on their truck. Wow. I am prescient before I even know I am! I am good.

Dear New Shiny Toy,

*pets* *pets more* *buffs with stolen Shamwow*


I need icons. Stat. kings_tv? We are ON this. I need my biblical people up in here, antheia I'm looking at you.
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