My writing has, um, yeah, I think I over worked it in January. So, while I try to coax it out from under the bed, read these stories instead:
Generation Kill
Free Falling Through the Nighttime Sky by
lunasky, which is the story of Brad and Nate falling in love and the story of Nate falling out of love with the USMC. It's long and lush and it's so good I've read it twice, which doesn't really tend to happen ever.
Mastery by
alethialia. In the interest of full disclosure I should point out that I pushed hard for this story, because it's Brad and Nate and porn and somebody gets tied the hell up, which is like, WHOOOO. And I haven't, uh, read it yet, because it's early and I need to go for my run, but it's A and it's porn, so, I mean really, do you even need me to tell you to read it? Okay, read it.
Coming Of Age by
astolat is part of her Beltane Cycle. The first part obviously being
Beltane, the second part being Coming of Age, and the third pard being
That Shall Achieve the Sword. Of the three pieces so far, this is the one that made me have to take deep breaths and then go out for a run afterwards, because I was so moved. Or just in awe.
All the Laughter From Before by
waldorph, which is a story I don't want to spoil for anyone except to say that a) it's spawned my own project, so thank you very much to the author and b) my comment about it has now become the summary, "It's pretty, but very distressing. And lo, all is sunshine and daisies... and death, but what can you do?""
If I was Your Girl by
danegen which is a vid rec. I am very very particular about my vids, sometimes I love the music and not the editing, sometimes I love the editing but not the music. This video, the music was perfect, the editing was sublime and after it was over my entire thought was "Fucking hell, is Merlin really that gay? I have to go rewatch the entire series now, because yes, I've written a few stories, but this is even gayer than I thought it was apparently. All we're missing are the rainbow flags."