Wow, I may actually have a new fandom or two.

Dec 08, 2008 11:32

1. So. Leverage. We're all on this page? Right because I'm pretty sure that Alec and Eliot are doing it or will be doing it very shortly. Maybe I will write that. Anybody who says "Somebody please kiss this man so I don't have to" is just biding his time until he DOES get some quality time. Imagine if Gunn and Lindsey spent a whole hour flirting on your telly. Yeah, exactly. WATCH IT!

2. Merlin. Oh fucking kay. Are y'all happy? Seriously, because Merlin is like, like it's some super def blow out type crack. The issue here isn't what to write but where to start. I'm kind of hesitant because I can't fucking figure out how to write it. It's obvously not Ye Olde English, but it's still strangely reserved. Maybe I should I start with the High School Prom AU where Gwen is the beard for Arthur and Merlin and nobody approves, least of all Arthur or Gwen's sekrit boyfriend Lancelot. Actually, the one with the dragon egg baby (I hate you rageprufrock) seems to be pacing ahead of everything else, maybe I should do the one where Arthur gets turned into a baby dragon. Are we sensing a theme here? Can we have a Help! story where Arthur shrinks to the size of thimble. Oh my god, total sensory overload, and I'm only at the end of episode #4.

3. I am going to create a military/Generation Kill mix. Oh, yes. I just need to rope somebody into doing the cover art.

4. Speaking of the most holy First Recon, I plan to write a Brad/Nate sex story that's all PG. It can be done just ask sparky77, who's still cursing me out for the sneak preview.
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