Distraction 103

Sep 29, 2008 09:17

It's less than two weeks to the deadline to sign up to vote in the upcoming US election. I don't care if you don't normally vote or you think it doesn't matter (we can debate that another day) or if you're hiding out in a Canadian shack, please, I am begging you, it's more important to vote in this election than any other you might experience in your entire lifetime, for your sake, for the sake of your family and your job and your tax dollars and your uterus, or your sister's uterus or your daughter's uterus or for that brother you have in the military or the ex-boyfriend who went overseas, so please sign up to vote. Rock that Vote on November 4th. This is your time; have your say. So help me gay baby

Poll Stolen from musesfool...

barack the vote

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