Musak Tuesday!

Sep 23, 2008 10:59

1. Recon Marines are required to be able to hold their breath for four minutes. Do you know how long that is? Try holding your breath for longer than 25 seconds ( Read more... )


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hackthis September 23 2008, 22:50:28 UTC
You know... *spins cube a little* That might work if you put Nate in there instead. Nate's at a say Baltimore. You know, since his family is from there and... Michael walks in. It's one of those kind of dinky bars that are divey but cool in that you can drink and watch the game and maybe play pool in peace.

And Nate's just drinking a few beers, playing a few sets of pool, but Michael wants the table, so he puts down his quarters, and he's just wandering around the table, watching Nate play. Waiting. Maybe he offers to play Nate, and Nate glances up and smirks, b/c taking an Olympian for his money would be the kind of story that his men would fucking love the next time everybody gets together... and he's like, sure, whatever.

And Michael's kind of waiting for that 'Oh snap, you're Michael Phelps' moment, but you know Nate is not the easily impressed kind...

So, they're playing, and Nate totally wipes the table with Michael, who's actually better than Nate thought he'd be. And Michael's all double or nothing and Nate raises an eyebrow, because Michael's really close when he says it, and Nate's like, 'yeah okay' because Olympic money is just as green as anybody else's.

So, they're playing, and this time Michael's like playing playing, so Nate's playing too, and he's in the middle of this jump shot, and Michael leans down, casting this shadow over the corner pocket. And Nate glances up to tell him, you know, move Fish Boy, and then he realises that Michael is totally hitting on him, and he's flattered. You know, like you are, when a SI cover guy hits on you, but then he looks up a few more inches and Brad's standing there watching them with this half-amused, half-annoyed look on his face. And Nate stands up and gives him this brilliant smile, and Brad kind of stalks over, and he's all, "You started without me. I think I'm upset."

And Michael's watching them as Brad throws this proprietary arm around Nate's neck, and Nate rolls his eyes, because really, pissing contest much? And he's like, "You were still asleep. If i waited on your snoring, drooling ass, I'd be waiting forever."

And Brad's like, "You didn't say that last night."

And Nate flushes, b/c *big* pissing contest.

And Michael's just like 'ohhh' and Nate's shrugs apologetically like, 'what can you do.'

Was that what you were aiming for ;)


kristories September 23 2008, 23:03:08 UTC
And Michael's kind of waiting for that 'Oh snap, you're Michael Phelps' moment, but you know Nate is not the easily impressed kind...

Exactly, because he has to work hard enough to impress Brad with his brain, people have just as hard for his attention.

And Michael's just like 'ohhh' and Nate's shrugs apologetically like, 'what can you do.'

Well what can you do really? It's Brad.

Was that what you were aiming for ;)

Hah! Yes! Minus all the porn :) but basically the gist of it. Okay, now do the one where John Connor runs away from his controlling mother to join the Marines. ^_^


hackthis September 23 2008, 23:20:49 UTC
And Michael's kind of waiting for that 'Oh snap, you're Michael Phelps' moment, but you know Nate is not the easily impressed kind...

Exactly, because he has to work hard enough to impress Brad with his brain, people have just as hard for his attention.

Exactly! After you deal with Brad, you just look at other people like 'whatever.'

Hah! Yes! Minus all the porn :) but basically the gist of it. Okay, now do the one where John Connor runs away from his controlling mother to join the Marines. ^_^



kristories September 25 2008, 14:43:34 UTC
Marine!John for your general amusement. Spoilery kind of pic for T:SCC 2x05


hackthis September 25 2008, 15:57:39 UTC
Wait. John really does become a Marine?! STOP IT. Seriously?!


kristories September 25 2008, 16:00:14 UTC
No, it's something about Derek and John infiltrating a military academy to protect a future member of the resistance. But really, who can resist the uniform :)


sparky77 September 23 2008, 23:12:47 UTC
Possessive Brad is hot. Of course all forms of Brad are hot.

I wonder if Brad and Nate can ever have normal dates or if it's all, let's go out for a beer, and then whoops! they end of having to save the world from Zombies. And Brad's all "What the fuck? I just wanted to get laid. I didn't want to kill fucking zombies." and Nate's all, "Life sucks. Deal with it." and Brad's like, "Blow me!" and Nate smiles, "Okay."


hackthis September 23 2008, 23:19:05 UTC
They don't strike me as the 'magnanimous sharing' type. Especially Brad in light of the "my ex ran off with my best friend while I was defending my country" revelation. I'm not saying, he'd put a GPS under Nate's skin... but I'm thinking there might be one or two tense moments, where Brad kind of walks out because he is not going to sit around the house waiting for Nate to come back on the off chance that he might *not* come back. Of course that's stupid, because I think if Nate's in it, he's in and he's not going anywhere, hello Iraq would show that, but Brad's got past-experience that pre-dates Nate's loyalty. It's hard to shake past-experience and evolve. Plus, I mean c'mon, look at Nate's smile, only a crazy person would walk away from that.


sparky77 September 24 2008, 07:32:31 UTC
And this would all lead to porn where Nate proves to Brad through lots and lots of sex that Brad is stuck with him.


hackthis September 24 2008, 15:36:41 UTC

You know how people always read fortune cookies and then add 'in bed' I think maybe from now on every sentence referencing Nate and Brad will now end 'and then they had lots and lots of dirty, filthy, awesome sex.'


alethialia September 24 2008, 07:21:31 UTC
AHAHAHA! I love it when people try and tempt your brain.

Michael's kind of waiting for that 'Oh snap, you're Michael Phelps' moment, but you know Nate is not the easily impressed kind...

Awesome. Awesome, like whoa. No love here, Fish Boy. (Fish Boy! ::dies::)

And Nate flushes, b/c *big* pissing contest.

And oh, how I can SEE that delicate flush! ::loves possessive!Brad::

And then Brad carted Nate home and did horribly dirty things to him that no suburban Olympian could even DREAM about and is all like, 'yeah, let's see who's the snoring, oversleeping one NOW, biotch.' And then Nate joins MP's fan club because, I mean, c'mon. Duh.

Much, much love.


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