
Sep 22, 2008 13:28

1. The hottest sex scene George Clooney ever did was with Jennifer Lopez in Out of Sight. Discuss.

2. Michael Phelps is not naked, you just think he is*. Discuss.

3. One of the things I have learned from playing sports/working out a lot and from pretty much everybody else I know who played sports, continues to play them or works out a lot (military/construction/you name it), is that when you spend upwards of 5-10+** hours a week exercising and you see what that does to your body, you want to flaunt that shit as much as possible. Clothing optional at all times. So, while the rest of the world is all, oh, Michael Phelps is exposed in his handkerchief Speedo, Michael's like yeah, whatevercakes, I earned the right to be naked whenever I want. How can one disagree? No discussion required.

ETA 3b. You know that thing after you workout crazy hard and you take a shower and you're either still sweating or you're too hot to put on clothes, but you have to? Yeah, hate that. Discuss.

4. Generation Kill is no longer available on On Demand. This was a BIG fucking shock to me the other night. The DVDs are coming out December 16th. What the hell am I supposed to do in the meantime without my Ray-Ray? Discuss.

5. What country will you be moving to if the McCain/Palin ticket steal win the election? Discuss!

6. How badly will installing a pull-up bar ruin my doorframe? Opinions?

7. Where is the porn? DIRECT ME THERE.

*Thank you thorne_scratch

**Frankly, if I had the opportunity to work out for 10+ hours a week these days, you'd hear nothing but, "...and then I was streaking around town naked again..."

barack the vote

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