[fannish brain dump]

Aug 27, 2008 09:34

We all know I'm a fannish raccoon. If it's shiny to me, I will write about it until I find another piece of foil. Doesn't matter if it's brand-spanking (have I done a spanking fic? Wait, digression!) new or hanging out in the garbage. My current lust is the Olympics. Yeah, I know they over. In fact, let's have a brain dump about this:

1. So far we have i. The Golden Rule and ii. The One Chair Rule of Heterosexuality. I didn't think they were going to be connected, but now I think it's going to be a trilogy. Maybe I'll call it 'I'll Be on the Water' after the Akron and the Family song.

1a. I haz no more Olympics. This is causing me all kinds of withdrawl issues.

1b. This has not seemed to stop my desire to write Michael Phelps/Ryan Lochte. It's kind of scary. I would apologize to sparky77, serialkarma, antheia and alethialia for my nonstop babble, but, I don't see much hardship in 'Oh look, I haz pictures of (mostly) naked men! Let me show you them!'

1c. People, come and talk to me about Gainesville, Florida. (Stop doing the victory dance alethialia). Tell me what typical houses are like. One level or two? Layouts? Pools? Where do people skateboard? What's the weather like? Where's the best cheap food? What do you do at three a.m.? How far from the beach? Where would you go to hear live music and *not* be seen? How long does it take to get to Daytona if you're commuting to your swim club? What's the airport like? What are the town quirks? Random factoids? I'm assuming a lot of Ryan's life (including his home) is near the university. what's that neighborhood like? I'd rather you tell me more than less, so I have things to choose from.

1d. sparky77 loves me a lot.

1e. While we're on the subject of the Olympics. I've been trying not to get all fandom involved, BUT, I highly recommend reading the following three stories:

* four times ryan watched michael touch other swimmers by lifescript. a story about jealousy and observation and boys doing that crap they do.

* right at home by canarycreams, where Michael and Ryan go to Puerto Rico and swim. And smoke some weed. And have some sex. And you laugh your ass off the entire time.

* Scaly Dicks by thorne_scrach, which is a WIP (but really does work on its own) about Michael waking up with scales on his dick. No, I couldn't even make that one up. She also wrote about Michael's mom marrying Ian Thorpe. I kind of died.

1f. What the fuck is up with Ryan and lizards and snakes? Does he have a fear of them, because I've read at least two stories where he was woken up suddenly and was like 'no snakes!'

2. I have seen 'Bomb in the Garden' (1.07 Generation Kill), but I can't talk about it yet, because that would be admitting that there is no more coming and that makes the baby Ari really fucking depressed. FYI: There is a buy one get one 1/2 price sale happening at HBO.com, too, so, if you buy some stuff...

3. I've been given to undestand that the only three network shows I watch (Chuck, Gossip Girl and The Sarah Connor Chronicles) are going to be on a the same fucking time (Mon, 8p). Way to fail networks!

olympics are serious business, recs: misc

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