It is International Left Handers Day. Represent lefties! Both Marilyn Monroe and Napoleon were lefties. Hell, so is Brangelina. But we can't have everything.
Speaking of representing, the French may have talked a lot of 4X100 smack, but at no point would I begrudge them anything
if they continue to show their swimmers stripping each other in front of God and Country. Liberte! Egalite! Nudite! (Yes, this photo is safe for work, you just won't feel like it is).
I'm sure the conversation went something like this:
Lefert: You are wet, here let me help you
Teammate: Yes, I'm wet. I just swam a relay.
Lefert: Yes, but you are wet. You need to get undressed.
Teammate: In front of all these people?
Here, the heat from my gaze will keep you warmTeammate: Wait, too warm! Too warm!
Lefert: We can haz sex nao?
Teammate: Yes. No. Yes. I am so fucking tired. I just swam a relay
Lefert: Which is why you should get naked. Now.
Teammate: Well, if you insist.
Apparently it takes 30 minutes to put the LZR suit on, so I suppose any shortcuts are more than welcome. AND. 10 brownie points to whomever can tell me the name of the man being stripped. AND. I will write you post relay comfort porn in the showers. You know, if that's your thing.
ETA: If you are interested in Generation Kill, but do not currently posess the means of seeing it, it might behoove you to join the
generation_kill community where they might be able to assist you. (Yes, I use words like behoove. What?)