Let's play a game!

Feb 28, 2008 12:02

At the moment I'm a little distracted with declaring my unyielding devotion to Stephen Colbert and trying to come up with a Psych story for teenygozer, so I thought in the meantime we should play that game where you lot give me a badfic summary of one of my stories (any story) and I try to guess which one it is. There are SO many possibilities. Here. I'll start

One time hackthis wrote this one story with this one guy and he totally liked this other guy, and there were fish involved, but not sexually, and um, stuff like that.

Answer: The O.C. Kiss. Angst. Rinse. Repeat.

ETA: Per sparky77's request, you are also allowed to write bad fic summaries of stories you wish I had written too. Who knows, maybe your story will come true ;-)
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