Blah blah blah

Jan 28, 2008 09:34

1) I like the meme where you tell the person what makes you think of them. Let's play!

Are there any topics/things/whatever that you notice or think about that makes you think of me every time? If so, what are they? I'm curious!

2) Where is Shia? I have not seen any photos of him in weeks. This was a pressing question in my head the other night. He's still bitter about the break-up of his first gay relationship I know; he's better off without that teetotalling vegan anyway. I need to get him a new man. Maybe Ryan Gosling in that new film he's doing with Don Cheadle and George Clooney. It's called Night Crimes. Did I mention that Anderson Cooper has decided to work as a liaison for George? Yes, it's all very nice of him. He'll get paid in sex. What's that you say? You say you went to imdb and this movie isn't listed?! Well duh. Do you really think we'd get that lucky in real life?

3) I posted music on Friday for anyone who missed it.

3) I finally had a chance to see the first two new Torchwoods.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

a) Jack left the team? Best decision EVAR. Everybody is a selfish twat (except for Ianto) and deserved to be left after all their ungrateful behaviour.

b) John Barrowman continues to be the hottest gay man ever. Okay, he ties with George, but still. Cary Grant would be proud of his legacy.

c) He came back for Ianto! AWWWWWWWWWW! *squishes*

d) Wow, when did Russell T Davis become a hardcore Gwen/Jack shipper? Jack's upset she's engaged? They're having a moment. Somebody wake me up from this nightmare!

e) Gwen still irks the stuffing out of me, but Eve Myles has great hair. Damn.

f) Wait, is Owen trying to chat up Tosh?!

g) Jack asks Ianto out on a date! Dude, why did this have to happen after the Gwen moment, now it's been sullied like Ianto is second best. Bad! Boooo!

h) Some other stuff happens when Spike visits. I never cared for Spike though, and James Marsters needs to eat some meat. The fighting was good though. And I like how John obviously is still pining for Jack. Hell, I'd still be pining for Jack after a couple millennia too.


Wow did I not like this episode, I understand the whole concept of a sleeper agent perfectly, what upset the hell out of me was the whole treating of a victim as a suspect and Jack's complete disregard for anything in the assurance in what he just had to know was right. What if he'd been wrong? Yes, I know he wasn't, but at the same time it was like sitting in interrogation at Guantanamo. Yeah, no love for this episode.

ETA: Sorry about that cut-tag SNAFU!
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