And The Lord said, "Let there be awesome!"

Oct 29, 2007 12:24

The Man is keeping me from writing Act II of Make Sure They See My Face with his work shenanigans. Here I am trying to write Milo RPF and I am being THWARTED. *pauses* Now there's a sentence I never thought I would type. I also want to write more Chuck/Awesome, because well, they are Awesomecakes. You know who else is awesomecakes? Adrian. And sparky77. In fact, sparky77 is so awesome, that she wrote me the story of awesome, err, Adrian.

Go! Run! Read The Story of Awesome Adrian.

Sign up for the newest religous craze. It's totally sweeping the nation. And, yes, I take my responsibilities as a priestess of the Pasdarhood very seriously. This is my serious face.

recs: misc

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