Sep 20, 2007 11:15

Poll Buy your very own hackthis for a quarter! Or an Adrian Pasdar!clone

ETA: When I said 'my' baby daddy, I mean yours. Not mine. Mine is spelled Adrian Matthew Pasdar-Damon. I like the hyphenate. I also like smart men. Who look good in suits. And some times lederhosen -- but that's another story for another day.

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Comments 115

serialkarma September 20 2007, 18:19:35 UTC
uh, for that last one I couldn't choose between Ari and Mos Def. That says a lot about me right there, doesn't it?


hackthis September 20 2007, 18:21:31 UTC
I know you v well.


ethrosdemon September 20 2007, 18:23:12 UTC
Having a baby with Ari is NOT a good life plan. It's something that Britney Spears would do.


serialkarma September 20 2007, 18:24:03 UTC
I dunno, I can think of worse people to be than Mrs. Ari!


ethrosdemon September 20 2007, 18:22:45 UTC
You can't have the bandom dood I like. I don't think anyone would ever hit that button.

Who the hell is Simon Pegg?

Clearly, the people who didn't pick Matt don't know you.


hackthis September 20 2007, 18:26:10 UTC
a. That was there for you actually. I mean your baby daddy, not mine.

b. Simon Pegg wrote/directed/acted in Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead. I didn't like Shaun of the Dead, which apparently makes me a crazy person. Slod thinks the suns shines out of his arse. Ask her!

c. This is Life. It premieres next Wednesday after Bionic Woman.


ethrosdemon September 20 2007, 18:29:57 UTC
Secret handshake.
I knew that was for me, therefore, I had to comment to show you I love you, too. (PS, I like the fat one.)

Oh, shucks. I don't like Damian Lewis! Crap.

Lucius Vorenus from Rome has a new show, too, you know? He is ginger as well.


hackthis September 20 2007, 18:34:18 UTC
Lucius Vorenus from Rome has a new show, too, you know? He is ginger as well.

No, he is not, he's blonder than Britney will ever be without hair dye and I am not watching that on principle of it being a major The Time Traveler's Wife rip-off.

And you do too like Damian Lewis, what the fuck are you talking about. He was all over BoB. You can't love that and not at least like him a little! Also, have you watched K-Ville at all? You would really like it.


anatsuno September 20 2007, 18:31:33 UTC
Can I tempt you more into a slightly stale, penguin-filled fandom? srsly. Rodney needs your help - Rodney needs to meet Ari, is the thing.

*is sadly not on board on all these newfangled fandoms*


hackthis September 20 2007, 18:36:05 UTC
I did that (Rodney & Ari) once in an AU, but I couldn't complete it, because it was starting to make my head explode. Alas, I have never been able to get into SGA enough. Hell the story was even called WOE!


anatsuno September 20 2007, 18:40:12 UTC
How come I never saw that? Did you ever release the bits pre-head-explosion? GOD. WHAT I WOULD GIVE. srsly. I am FLAILING ALL OVER. *wants* *goes to hunt it down in case it is somewhere around here*


hackthis September 20 2007, 18:43:45 UTC
What little there is, is here. I apologise that it's not done, I normally never start posting something with multiple sections, if it's not already finished or at least damn close. I'm not sure what happened here -- oh yeah, BURN OUT.


slodwick September 20 2007, 18:33:11 UTC


hackthis September 20 2007, 18:36:29 UTC
Your icon has me cracking up. *shakes head*


slodwick September 20 2007, 18:39:32 UTC
He had a crew when he was 12, Z. They were called the Galaxians. *flails*


hackthis September 20 2007, 18:41:23 UTC
You might as well be reading me the phone book, but I am glad you are happy. It will make you more pliable when I start poking you about art for whatever project I come up with eventually.


sparky77 September 20 2007, 18:36:55 UTC
Why cannot I have more then one baby daddy? OPPRESSION!


hackthis September 20 2007, 18:40:19 UTC
I'm not supposed to laugh that loud at work. Hush.


sparky77 September 20 2007, 18:53:07 UTC
It's a proven fact that Adrian cannot be left unsupervised. He needs a co-daddy to help with things like dressing and breathing. I'm thinking of the good of my pretend baby.


hackthis September 20 2007, 19:00:12 UTC
You are v kind. This is why I have chosen two. So I suppose if I can have two, you can have two too. I have Matt to help with the baby. And Adrian. And then Adrian can help Matt. Uh. Oh. *wanders off to see what Adrian helps Matt with*


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