Music day! -- Frankenmix 16.0

Aug 21, 2007 13:15

Yes, I know, two posts in two days. My gods. I'm well aware it's been a while. Suck it up. Yesterday I posted a story. A 10,000 word Heroes AU story. Give me some credit. Today, I bring music. Frankenmix 16.0 to be precise. It's been a while since I've done that too, yeah, I know.

The Get Me Out of Here Mix

1. A song for shredding paperwork. -- Guillemots 'Sao Paolo' -- I really wanted to put 'Who Left the Lights Off, Baby?' in this mix, but there's just no place for this. Sao Paolo on the other hand, you know, it starts off slow and easy and then he tells you about lost love and unhappiness and then it's all sort of well I hate this job and this life and fuck you anyway. I like that. Plus the horns at the end are awesome for when you're about to kill the shredder.

2. A song to howl along with. -- James Morrison 'Call the Police' -- Look, the man tells you at the start, I don’t need anyone to tell me who to be today. I don’t need to be who you want me to be. I don’t need your rules and regulations and all the shit you're trying to use to keep me down. Ever feel like that? Yeah, well, like I said, James tells you how he feels and then he tells you to call the police so he doesn't beat your ass. :D

3. A song for frustrated ambition. -- Jet 'Get Me Outta Here' - For anybody who's just desperately wanted to leave a place or a person or a thing, this is for you.

4. A song that speaks to your fears. -- Stereophonics 'Rewind' -- When the Stereophonics first came out circa 1997 they had this lovely story-teller guitar sound. They made songs like your best mate would write about the town where you grew up. Songs like 'Last of the Big Time Drinkers' which, uh, if you were drinking anywhere in the general vicinity of the UK -- especially Cwmaman -- that year, you prolly sang while drunk. And then they got famous and had some internal turmoil and the stuff they've done recent is craptastic. Really. This is an exception to that. This is like back in the day, only with more production.

5. A song you wouldn't throw out of bed, if it came to that. -- Prince 'Guitar' -- I agree with his Royal Purple Badness, I love you, but not like I love my guitar. Now don't be like that, I'm just being honest.

6. A song for the days when you're Don Quixote. -- Dil Se 'Chaiyya Chaiyya' -- I know a lot of you are prolly like isn't that that one song from Inside Man, and guess what? It is! Y'all are so smart. Seriously though, I chose it because I fucking love me some bhangra music, and OMG the drums here if they don't make you want to put a pot on your head and run off to take on the world, well, you just don't have any imagination then. Proof that you don't have to know what someone is saying to appreciate the song.

7. A song for will-they-won't-they. -- George Clinton 'Atomic Dog' -- Who is this they that will or won't? I need context here, really. See the will-they-won't-they for Nathan/Peter is very different than the will-they-of-course-they're-going-to of Shawn/Gus. Or Shawn/Lassiter. But mostly Shawn/Gus. I heart Gus. Gus is awesome. If you have no idea what I'm referring to, please to watch Psych now. Right, so. I always do Nathan/Peter, this is for Shawn and Gus. Most definitely. Because they couldn't have sex without someone making some sort of fruit analogy or animal noise.

8. A song for a surfeit of love. -- Betty Davis 'Anti-Love Song' -- A 'surfeit' of love. Not bloody likely. I got spoiled for Heroes on the front page of fucking MSN. I assure you, I have no surfeit of love for anybody. However, if I did love somebody it would probably be to this song, mostly because I really don't fancy being in love at the moment. P.s. Betty Davis was Miles Davis' wife. She kicks ASS.

9. A song for a slow drive through the desert. -- Beta Band 'Dry the Rain' -- Heh. Also, Beta Band are awesome. If you're into that sort of 420 type of music. And if you don't know what 420 is, uh, never mind.

10. A song like chamomile tea. -- Nizlopi 'Worry' -- This is a song that is about either getting your lover back or just getting up one morning and realizing you are SO over it. I like to think it's about the latter. Fuck your ex, you keep worrying about yourself and stop worrying about everyone else.

11. A song you wish you had (or could have) listened to as a 15-year-old. -- Regina Spektor 'Daniel Cowman' -- At 15 I was listening to Pearl Jam and A Tribe Called Quest. I'm fairly certain that if I'd had music telling me that it was okay to be smart and creative and fucked up at the same time, you know, like Regina tells you, then I think life might've been a little be less traumatic. Maybe.

12. A song you keep wanting to delete from your hard drive, but can't. The Smiths 'Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want' -- I don't like old skool emo stuff like The Cure and The Smiths and whatnot. The only reason this song is here is because it was in Starter for 10 -- which features James McAvoy, who addles my brain -- and the lyrics caught my ear and I was helpless. I hate that. Okay not really.

13. A song that sets you giggling (at least in theory). -- Kaiser Chiefs 'Born to be a Dancer -- Ricky Wilson is from Leeds. People from Leeds are called Leodosians. (Random fact of the day: see 'I Predict a Riot' if you don't believe me). Ricky is maybe 130 lbs soaking wet. Maybe. He's tiny, he's got these scrawny legs and barrel chest, and he likes to wear tight pants and leather vests/waistcoats. And yet he's got this ripping loud manly voice, he's strangely hot, and when he tells you that during sex with his girlfriend he's thinking about how he wants nothing more than to be a dancer, well, dude, it's fucking funny. I heart Ricky.

14. A song you listened to this morning. -- New Kids on the Block 'Please Don’t' Go (Girl)' - Okay, now that I've lost all credibility and you've picked your jaw up from the floor, go on, download it, you know you want to. I couldn't help it, dude, those were my teenie years. It was NKOTB and New Edition and The Boys. You know, back when boy bands had to actually be able to sing AND dance, not one or the other.

Zip can be found here and contains 'extras', like usual.


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